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RustViz: Interactively Visualizing Ownership and Borrowing
arXiv - CS - Programming Languages Pub Date : 2020-11-18 , DOI: arxiv-2011.09012
Gongming (Gabriel) Luo, Vishnu Reddy, Marcelo Almeida, Yingying Zhu, Ke Du, Cyrus Omar

Rust is a systems programming language that guarantees memory safety without the need for a garbage collector by statically tracking ownership and borrowing events. The associated rules are subtle and unique among industry programming languages, which can make learning Rust more challenging. Motivated by the challenges that Rust learners face, we are developing RustViz, a tool that allows teachers to generate an interactive timeline depicting ownership and borrowing events for each variable in a Rust code example. These visualizations are intended to help Rust learners develop an understanding of ownership and borrowing by example. This paper introduces RustViz by example, shows how teachers can use it to generate visualizations, describes learning goals, and proposes a study designed to evaluate RustViz based on these learning goals.



Rust 是一种系统编程语言,通过静态跟踪所有权和借用事件,无需垃圾收集器即可保证内存安全。相关的规则在行业编程语言中是微妙而独特的,这使得学习 Rust 更具挑战性。受 Rust 学习者面临的挑战的启发,我们正在开发 RustViz,这是一个工具,允许教师生成一个交互式时间线,描述 Rust 代码示例中每个变量的所有权和借用事件。这些可视化旨在帮助 Rust 学习者通过示例了解所有权和借用。本文通过实例介绍了 RustViz,展示了教师如何使用它来生成可视化,描述学习目标,并提出一项旨在基于这些学习目标评估 RustViz 的研究。