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Efficiency of CO2-baited CDC miniature light traps under semi-field conditions and characterizing response behaviors of female Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)
Journal of Vector Ecology ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-18 , DOI: 10.1111/jvec.12388
B A Amos 1 , R T Cardé 1

Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae) is an important vector of viruses causing dengue, Zika, chikungunya, and yellow fever and as such is a threat to public health worldwide. Effective trapping methods are essential for surveillance of both mosquito species and disease presence. The Centers for Disease Control Miniature Light Trap (CDC-MLT) is an updated version of the New Jersey light trap, which was developed early in the 20th century. This trap is widely reported as being less successful for Ae. aegypti than for other mosquito species, although the reason for this is unclear. This trap has engendered more Ae. aegypti-tailored designs that still represent the basic design model. The efficiency of the CDC-MLT alone and with CO2 was tested under semi-field conditions and the behavior of responding female Ae. aegypti was characterized. The CDC-MLT alone failed to capture any mosquitoes and with CO2 the capture efficiency was less than 2%. Understanding the behaviors that mosquitoes exhibit while encountering a particular trap design or trapping concept may suggest trap improvements to increase capture efficiency. Moreover, this work contributes to our understanding of mosquito host-seeking behavior.


半场条件下 CO2 诱饵 CDC 微型光阱的效率和表征雌性埃及伊蚊(双翅目:Culicidae)的反应行为

埃及伊蚊(L.)(双翅目:蚊科)是引起登革热、寨卡病毒、基孔肯雅热和黄热病的重要病毒载体,因此对全世界的公共卫生构成威胁。有效的诱捕方法对于监测蚊子种类和疾病的存在至关重要。疾病控制中心微型光阱 (CDC-MLT) 是 20 世纪初开发的新泽西州光阱的更新版本。这种陷阱被广泛报道为对Ae 不太成功。aegypti比其他蚊子种类多,尽管其原因尚不清楚。这个陷阱产生了更多的Ae。仍然代表基本设计模型的埃及定制设计。CDC-MLT 单独和 CO 2的效率在半场条件下和响应雌性Ae 的行为进行了测试。埃及的特点。单独的 CDC-MLT 无法捕获任何蚊子,而使用 CO 2的捕获效率低于 2%。了解蚊子在遇到特定诱捕器设计或诱捕概念时表现出的行为可能会建议改进诱捕器以提高捕获效率。此外,这项工作有助于我们了解蚊子寻找宿主的行为。