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Revising the classic computing paradigm and its technological implementations
arXiv - CS - General Literature Pub Date : 2020-11-16 , DOI: arxiv-2011.08455
János Végh

Today's computing is told to be based on the classic paradigm, proposed by von Neumann, a three-quarter century ago. However, that paradigm was justified (for the timing relations of) vacuum tubes only. The technological development invalidated the classic paradigm (but not the model!) and led to catastrophic performance losses in computing systems, from operating gate level to large networks, including the neuromorphic ones. The paper reviews the critical points of the classic paradigm and scrutinizes the confusion made around it. It discusses some of the consequences of improper technological implementation, from the shared media to the parallelized operation. The model is perfect, but it is applied outside of its range of validity. The paradigm is extended by providing the "procedure" that enables computing science to work with cases where the transfer time is not negligible apart from processing time.



如今的计算被告知是基于四分之三世纪的冯·诺依曼(von Neumann)提出的经典范式。但是,该范例仅针对真空管的时间关系是合理的。技术发展使经典范式无效(但模型无效!),并导致计算系统的灾难性性能损失,从操作门级到大型网络(包括神经形态网络)。本文回顾了经典范式的关键点,并仔细研究了围绕它的困惑。它讨论了从共享媒体到并行化操作的不正确技术实施的一些后果。该模型是完美的,但是在其有效范围之外应用。通过提供“过程”来扩展范例