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The Effectiveness of Abstract Versus Concrete Fear Appeals in Information Security
Journal of Management Information Systems ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/07421222.2020.1790187
Sebastian W. Schuetz 1 , Paul Benjamin Lowry 2 , Daniel A. Pienta 3 , Jason Bennett Thatcher 4

ABSTRACT Information security (ISec) is a pervasive concern of individuals, organizations, and governments. To encourage individuals to engage in and learn about secure behaviors, ISec research has turned to fear appeals, which are short messages that communicate threats and efficacy to elicit protection motivation among recipients. ISec research has reported contradictory findings on what makes fear appeals effective in ISec contexts, and this lack of clarity is problematic, because it may lead to incorrect conclusions. For example, some studies have argued that the mixed findings arise from differences between personal and organizational contexts and that fear appeals do not work well among organizational users. However, this argument has not been empirically tested, and differences in message design provide an equally plausible explanation, which has also not been tested. To reconcile the mixed findings across these studies, we test the effects of context (i.e., personal users vs. organizational users) and degree of message abstractness (i.e., abstract vs. concrete) on fear-appeal outcomes. We draw from construal-level theory to conceptualize the differences between abstract and concrete fear appeals. Across three experiments, we find evidence that concrete fear appeals are more effective than abstract fear appeals for the purpose of stimulating fear-appeal outcomes. Furthermore, by comparing two identical experiments—one conducted with personal users and another conducted with organizational users—we find differences in participants’ responses to fear appeals. However, contrary to our expectations, our findings suggest that organizational users report higher levels of fear and protection motivation than personal users. This finding is not a theoretical contradiction: the theoretical crux of an effective fear appeal is that it must be personally relevant to stimulate fear; correspondingly, we show that concrete fear appeals help stimulate fear and the desired protective response. Moreover, concrete fear appeals increase actual compliance behaviors, not just intentions. Thus, our findings suggest that the mixed findings in the literature may be a product of message abstractness and differences among audiences. This has pivotal implications for how to construct fear appeals in research and practice.



摘要 信息安全 (ISec) 是个人、组织和政府普遍关注的问题。为了鼓励个人参与和了解安全行为,ISec 研究转向了恐惧诉求,这是一种传达威胁和功效的短消息,以在接收者之间引发保护动机。ISec 研究报告了关于什么使恐惧诉求在 ISec 环境中有效的相互矛盾的发现,这种缺乏清晰度是有问题的,因为它可能导致不正确的结论。例如,一些研究认为,混合调查结果源于个人和组织环境之间的差异,并且恐惧诉求在组织用户中效果不佳。然而,这个论点尚未经过实证检验,消息设计的差异提供了同样合理的解释,这也没有经过测试。为了调和这些研究中的混合结果,我们测试了上下文(即个人用户与组织用户)和消息抽象程度(即抽象与具体)对恐惧诉求结果的影响。我们从解释层面的理论中汲取了概念化抽象和具体恐惧诉求之间的差异。在三个实验中,我们发现有证据表明,为了刺激恐惧诉求结果,具体的恐惧诉求比抽象的恐惧诉求更有效。此外,通过比较两个相同的实验——一个是针对个人用户进行的,另一个是针对组织用户进行的——我们发现参与者对恐惧诉求的反应存在差异。然而,出乎我们的意料,我们的研究结果表明,组织用户比个人用户报告更高水平的恐惧和保护动机。这一发现并不是理论上的矛盾:有效的恐惧诉求的理论关键是它必须与个人相关才能激发恐惧;相应地,我们表明具体的恐惧诉求有助于刺激恐惧和所需的保护反应。此外,具体的恐惧诉求会增加实际的合规行为,而不仅仅是意图。因此,我们的研究结果表明,文献中的混合发现可能是信息抽象和受众差异的产物。这对于如何在研究和实践中构建恐惧诉求具有关键意义。有效的恐惧诉求的理论关键是它必须与个人相关才能激发恐惧;相应地,我们表明具体的恐惧诉求有助于刺激恐惧和所需的保护反应。此外,具体的恐惧诉求会增加实际的合规行为,而不仅仅是意图。因此,我们的研究结果表明,文献中的混合发现可能是信息抽象和受众差异的产物。这对于如何在研究和实践中构建恐惧诉求具有关键意义。有效的恐惧诉求的理论关键是它必须与个人相关才能激发恐惧;相应地,我们表明具体的恐惧诉求有助于刺激恐惧和所需的保护反应。此外,具体的恐惧诉求会增加实际的合规行为,而不仅仅是意图。因此,我们的研究结果表明,文献中的混合发现可能是信息抽象和受众差异的产物。这对于如何在研究和实践中构建恐惧诉求具有关键意义。我们的研究结果表明,文献中的混合发现可能是信息抽象和受众差异的产物。这对于如何在研究和实践中构建恐惧诉求具有关键意义。我们的研究结果表明,文献中的混合发现可能是信息抽象和受众差异的产物。这对于如何在研究和实践中构建恐惧诉求具有关键意义。