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No Purification Ontology, No Quantum Paradoxes
Foundations of Physics ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s10701-020-00398-6
Giacomo Mauro D’Ariano

It is almost universally believed that in quantum theory the two following statements hold: (1) all transformations are achieved by a unitary interaction followed by a von-Neumann measurement; (2) all mixed states are marginals of pure entangled states. I name this doctrine the dogma of purification ontology. The source of the dogma is the original von Neumann axiomatisation of the theory, which largely relies on the Schrődinger equation as a postulate, which holds in a nonrelativistic context, and whose operator version holds only in free quantum field theory, but no longer in the interacting theory. In the present paper I prove that both ontologies of unitarity and state-purity are unfalsifiable, even in principle, and therefore axiomatically spurious. I propose instead a minimal four-postulate axiomatisation: (1) associate a Hilbert space $${\mathcal {H}}_\text{A}$$ to each system $$\text{A}$$ ; (2) compose two systems by the tensor product rule $${\mathcal {H}}_{\text{A}\text{B}}={\mathcal {H}}_\text{A}\otimes {\mathcal {H}}_\text{B}$$ ; (3) associate a transformation from system $$\text{A}$$ to $$\text{B}$$ to a quantum operation, i.e. to a completely positive trace-non-increasing map between the trace-class operators of $$\text{A}$$ and $$\text{B}$$ ; (4) (Born rule) evaluate all joint probabilities through that of a special type of quantum operation: the state preparation. I then conclude that quantum paradoxes—such as the Schroedinger-cat’s, and, most relevantly, the information paradox—are originated only by the dogma of purification ontology, and they are no longer paradoxes of the theory in the minimal formulation. For the same reason, most interpretations of the theory (e.g. many-world, relational, Darwinism, transactional, von Neumann–Wigner, time-symmetric,...) interpret the same dogma, not the strict theory stripped of the spurious postulates.



几乎普遍认为,在量子理论中,以下两个陈述是成立的:(1)所有的变换都是通过酉相互作用实现的,然后是冯诺依曼测量;(2) 所有混合态都是纯纠缠态的边缘。我将此学说命名为净化本体论的教条。教条的来源是该理论的原始冯诺依曼公理化,它很大程度上依赖于 Schrődinger 方程作为一个假设,它在非相对论背景下成立,其算子版本仅在自由量子场论中成立,但不再在自由量子场论中成立。相互作用理论。在本文中,我证明了单一性本体论和状态纯性本体论都是不可证伪的,即使在原则上也是如此,因此在公理上是虚假的。我提出了一个最小的四假设公理化:(1) 将一个希尔伯特空间 $${\mathcal {H}}_\text{A}$$ 关联到每个系统 $$\text{A}$$ ;(2) 用张量积规则 $${\mathcal {H}}_{\text{A}\text{B}}={\mathcal {H}}_\text{A}\otimes { 组成两个系统\mathcal {H}}_\text{B}$$ ; (3) 将系统 $$\text{A}$$ 到 $$\text{B}$$ 的转换关联到一个量子运算,即关联到$$\text{A}$$ 和 $$\text{B}$$ ; (4) (Born rule) 通过一种特殊类型的量子操作:状态准备来评估所有联合概率。然后我得出结论,量子悖论——例如薛定谔猫的悖论,以及最相关的信息悖论——仅源于净化本体论的教条,它们不再是最小公式中理论的悖论。为了同样的原因,