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Tick species from Africa by migratory birds: a 3-year study in Italy
Experimental and Applied Acarology ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s10493-020-00573-4
L. Toma , E. Mancuso , S. G. d’Alessio , M. Menegon , F. Spina , I. Pascucci , F. Monaco , M. Goffredo , M. Di Luca

The role of resident or migratory birds in dispersal of tick species and tick-borne pathogens is still poorly known in Italy. We report here the results of a 3-year project based on sampling ticks from migratory birds, as well as from the vegetation at three stop-over sites for migrants, namely the islands of Ventotene (Latium), Asinara (Sardinia) and Ustica (Sicily). During the spring seasons from 2017–2019, in total 2681 ticks were collected, 2344 of which were sampled from migratory birds and 337 from the vegetation. Ticks were identified by morphology or by molecular tools when necessary. In total, 16 tick species were identified among which the following were exclusively found on birds: Hyalomma rufipes (43.3%), Hy. truncatum (0.1%), Ixodes frontalis (11.8%), Ix. inopinatus (0.2%), Ix. ricinus (3%), Haemaphysalis punctata (0.08%), Hae. erinacei (0.1%), Amblyomma variegatum (0.08%) and Argas vulgaris 0.1%), whereas five species were exclusively collected from the vegetation: Rhipicephalus bursa (10.5%), Rh. turanicus (5.9%), Rh. sanguineus sensu lato (2%), Rh. pusillus (2.4%), Hae. sulcata (0.08%). Hy. marginatum (10.3%) and Ix. ventalloi (9.3%) were found both on birds and on the vegetation on the island Ustica. It is worth noting that the search for ticks on the vegetation did not detect allochthonous tick species. Although we found several interesting local species and allochthonous ticks like Hy. rufipes, Am. variegatum and Ar. vulgaris on birds, further investigations are needed to better define the possible role of migratory birds in the introduction of ticks and tick-borne diseases in Italy, above all after the evidence of imported ticks positive to Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) virus in several European countries.



在意大利,居民或候鸟在tick类和tick传病原体传播中的作用仍然知之甚少。我们在此报告了一项为期3年的项目的结果,该项目基于候鸟采样滴答以及移民的三个中转站点(即Ventotene(Latium),Asinara(Sardinia)和Ustica(西西里岛)。在2017-2019年的春季,共采集了2681个tick,其中从候鸟中采集了2344个and,从植被中采集了337个。necessary虫在必要时通过形态学或分子工具鉴定。总共鉴定出16种tick科物种,其中仅在鸟类上发现以下物种:透明质红花(43.3%),Hy。牛磺酸(0.1%),额额龙(11.8%),IX。inopinatus(0.2%),IX。蓖麻(3%),点状血藻(0.08%),海河。erinacei(0.1%),杂草(0.08%)和Argas vulgaris 0.1%),而仅从植被中收集了5种:蛇头囊Rhipicephalus bursa)(10.5%),Rh。图兰(5.9%),铑。Sanguineus sensu lato(2%),Rh。脓杆菌(2.4%),Hae。苏卡塔(0.08%)。HY。边缘(10.3%)和Ix。文塔洛伊(9.3%)在鸟类和乌斯蒂卡岛上的植被上都发现了。值得注意的是,在植被上寻找tick虫并没有发现异源th虫。尽管我们发现了一些有趣的当地物种和像Hy一样的外来s。rufipes上午。杂色Ar。禽类的寻常型,需要进一步调查以更好地确定候鸟在意大利tick和tick传播疾病的引入中的可能作用,首先是在若干国家中进口克里米亚刚果出血热(CCHF)病毒呈阳性的positive的证据之后欧洲国家。
