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Student and Teacher Meet in a Shared Virtual Reality: A one-on-one Tutoring System for Anatomy Education
arXiv - CS - Human-Computer Interaction Pub Date : 2020-11-16 , DOI: arxiv-2011.07926
Patrick Saalfeld and Anna Schmeier and Wolfgang D'Hanis and Hermann-Josef Rothk\"otter and Bernhard Preim

We introduce a Virtual Reality (VR) one-on-one tutoring system to support anatomy education. A student uses a fully immersive VR headset to explore the anatomy of the base of the human skull. A teacher guides the student by using the semi-immersive zSpace. Both systems are connected via network and each action is synchronized between both systems. The teacher is provided with various features to direct the student through the immersive learning experience. She can influence the student's navigation or provide annotations on the fly and, hereby, improve the students learning experience. The system is implemented using the \textit{Unity} game engine. A qualitative user study demonstrates that the one-on-one tutoring approach is feasible and sets a solid base for future research in the area of shared virtual environments for anatomy education.



我们引入了虚拟现实 (VR) 一对一辅导系统来支持解剖学教育。一名学生使用完全身临其境的 VR 耳机探索人类头骨底部的解剖结构。教师使用半沉浸式 zSpace 指导学生。两个系统通过网络连接,每个动作在两个系统之间同步。为教师提供了各种功能,以指导学生进行身临其境的学习体验。她可以影响学生的导航或即时提供注释,从而改善学生的学习体验。该系统是使用 \textit{Unity} 游戏引擎实现的。一项定性的用户研究表明,一对一的辅导方法是可行的,并为未来解剖学教育共享虚拟环境领域的研究奠定了坚实的基础。