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Measuring time delay in path MTU discovery in transmitting a packet in IPv4 and IPv6 network
arXiv - CS - Networking and Internet Architecture Pub Date : 2020-11-11 , DOI: arxiv-2011.06935
Ishfaq Hussain and Janibul Bashir

Path MTU Discovery (PMTUD) was initially designed for Internet protocol version 4 (IPv4) to prevent the communication loss due to smaller path MTU. This protocol is then further developed for Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) with new set of constraints. In IPv4 network, the PMTUD activates when the packets DF bit is set, while as in IPv6, PMTUD is always running for every packet. In this paper, we analyzed the time consumed to transmit a single packet from source to destination in IPv6 and IPv4 network in the presence of PMTUD. Based on our analysis we concluded that the communication time increases with the varying MTU of the intermediate nodes. Moreover, we formulated the mathematical model to determine the communication delay in a network. Our model shows that the asymptotic lower bound for time taken is {\Omega}(n) and the asymptotic upper bound is {\Theta}(n^2), using path MTU discovery.


测量在 IPv4 和 IPv6 网络中传输数据包时路径 MTU 发现的时间延迟

路径 MTU 发现 (PMTUD) 最初是为 Internet 协议版本 4 (IPv4) 设计的,以防止由于路径 MTU 较小而导致的通信丢失。然后,该协议针对具有一组新约束的 Internet 协议版本 6 (IPv6) 进一步开发。在 IPv4 网络中,PMTUD 在数据包 DF 位被设置时激活,而在 IPv6 中,PMTUD 始终为每个数据包运行。在本文中,我们分析了在存在 PMTUD 的情况下,在 IPv6 和 IPv4 网络中从源到目的地传输单个数据包所消耗的时间。根据我们的分析,我们得出结论,通信时间随着中间节点的 MTU 变化而增加。此外,我们制定了数学模型来确定网络中的通信延迟。