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Effects of mound building Lasius flavus on organic carbon and nutrient fluxes in soils of temperate grassland ecosystems
Pedobiologia ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pedobi.2020.150701
Antje Ehrle , Olaf Kolle , Alexander Tischer , Susan E. Trumbore , Beate Michalzik

Abstract Ants that build long-lasting mounds and move large amounts of mineral soil may influence the composition and fluxes of soil solutions, and thus soil nutrient cycling. However, studies quantifying such effects are scarce. In central Europe, the yellow meadow ant (Lasius flavus) is a common species that changes the character of extensively managed grasslands by its mound building activity. In total, sixteen mound-control pairs were selected within four plots on two grassland sites in Thuringia, Central Germany and monitored from 2013 to 2016. On each plot, bulk precipitation and soil solutions were collected via two open funnel samplers and eight suction plates to determine input and loss fluxes of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), nitrogen (DN), and base cations under L. flavus mounds and control locations. Effects of L. flavus mounds on soil microclimatic conditions were also investigated. In comparison to the controls, L. flavus mounds were characterized by slightly lower soil temperatures and always lower soil moisture. The main driver of lower fluxes of DOC and DN from mounds was related to the reduced seepage water flux under mounds compared to the adjacent grassland. Lasius flavus activity increased potassium (K) concentrations and fluxes in soil solutions from mounds in comparison to the controls, independent from plot-specific soil and seepage water flux variability. Increased concentrations of calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) were measured in the soil solutions of the mounds but were generally not associated with higher Ca or Mg fluxes. In conclusion, L. flavus present unique micro-sites within grassland ecosystems by creating mounds that may function as ecosystem control points for the cycling of certain elements, such as K.



摘要 建造持久土墩并移动大量矿质土壤的蚂蚁可能会影响土壤溶液的组成和通量,从而影响土壤养分循环。然而,量化这种影响的研究很少。在欧洲中部,黄草甸蚂蚁(Lasius flavus)是一种常见的物种,它通过筑丘活动改变了广泛管理的草原的特征。在 2013 年至 2016 年期间,在德国中部图林根州的两个草地场地的四个地块中总共选择了 16 对土墩控制对。在每个地块上,通过两个开放漏斗采样器和八个吸盘收集大量降水和土壤溶液,以便确定 L. flavus 丘和控制位置下溶解有机碳 (DOC)、氮 (DN) 和碱阳离子的输入和损失通量。L的影响。还研究了土壤小气候条件下的黄土丘。与对照相比,L. flavus 丘的特点是土壤温度略低,土壤湿度始终较低。土墩中 DOC 和 DN 通量较低的主要驱动因素与土墩下的渗水通量相比邻近草地减少有关。与对照相比,Lasius flavus 活性增加了土墩土壤溶液中钾 (K) 的浓度和通量,这与地块特定的土壤和渗流水通量变化无关。在土丘的土壤溶液中测量到钙 (Ca) 和镁 (Mg) 浓度的增加,但通常与较高的 Ca 或 Mg 通量无关。总之,L。