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Using pharmacological manipulations to study the role of dopamine in human reward functioning: A review of studies in healthy adults
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2020.11.004
Heather E Webber 1 , Paula Lopez-Gamundi 2 , Sydney N Stamatovich 3 , Harriet de Wit 4 , Margaret C Wardle 5

Dopamine (DA) plays a key role in reward processing and is implicated in psychological disorders such as depression, substance use, and schizophrenia. The role of DA in reward processing is an area of highly active research. One approach to this question is drug challenge studies with drugs known to alter DA function. These studies provide good experimental control and can be performed in parallel in laboratory animals and humans. This review aimed to summarize results of studies using pharmacological manipulations of DA in healthy adults. ‘Reward’ is a complex process, so we separated ‘phases’ of reward, including anticipation, evaluation of cost and benefits of upcoming reward, execution of actions to obtain reward, pleasure in response to receiving a reward, and reward learning. Results indicated that i) DAergic drugs have different effects on different phases of reward; ii) the relationship between DA and reward functioning appears unlikely to be linear; iii) our ability to detect the effects of DAergic drugs varies depending on whether subjective, behavioral, imaging measures are used.



多巴胺 (DA) 在奖励处理中起着关键作用,并与抑郁症、药物滥用和精神分裂症等心理障碍有关。DA 在奖励处理中的作用是一个非常活跃的研究领域。解决这个问题的一种方法是使用已知会改变 DA 功能的药物进行药物激发研究。这些研究提供了良好的实验控制,可以在实验室动物和人类中同时进行。本综述旨在总结在健康成人中使用 DA 的药理学操作的研究结果。“奖励”是一个复杂的过程,因此我们将奖励的“阶段”分开,包括预期、对即将到来的奖励的成本和收益的评估、为获得奖励而采取的行动、对获得奖励的响应以及奖励学习。结果表明:i) DAergic 药物对不同阶段的奖励有不同的影响;ii) DA 和奖励功能之间的关系似乎不太可能是线性的;iii) 我们检测 DAergic 药物效果的能力因是否使用主观、行为、成像措施而异。
