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Relative influences of microhabitat incubation conditions and genetic parentage effects on lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) offspring traits during early ontogeny
Environmental Biology of Fishes ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s10641-020-01047-7
Kari J. Dammerman , Juan P. Steibel , Kim T. Scribner

Knowledge on factors influencing traits during critical early growth periods is essential for predicting population persistence. Genetic effects and microhabitat stream conditions at female selected oviposition sites influence larval phenotypes. However, limited work has examined contributions of both factors across sequential ontogenetic stages for larvae of wild origin. Using a wild population of lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) from Black Lake, Michigan (USA), fertilized eggs were collected from stream substrate just prior to hatch at one-meter intervals along seven transect lines at an adult-selected spawning area. Microhabitat variables (depth, discharge, substrate size) were recorded at egg collection points. Body length, body area, and yolk-sac area were quantified for yolk-sac larvae (N = 359) at the time of hatch. Following the onset of exogenous feeding, larval growth was measured weekly for four weeks. Parentage was assigned using genetic-based analysis. Inter-individual variation in phenotypic traits quantified at hatch were attributed to stream microhabitat variables; mean depth had the largest influence. No additive genetic effects were detected at hatch. Post-emergence larval growth significantly varied within and among half-sibling groups with the greatest range in body size observed at 33 days post-hatch. Additive genetic variance and heritability increased with age. Results demonstrate that female-selected incubation habitats influenced traits at hatch for wild-origin fish, but effects do not persist to a sequential ontogenetic stage. Alternatively, growth after the onset of exogenous feeding was largely influenced by intrinsic (genetic) factors which must be considered when designing and implementing rehabilitation strategies for lake sturgeon and potentially other threatened riverine fishes.


早期个体发育过程中微生境孵化条件和遗传亲本效应对湖鲟(Acipenser fulvescens)后代性状的相对影响

了解影响关键早期生长时期性状的因素对于预测种群持久性至关重要。雌性选定产卵地点的遗传效应和微生境条件影响幼虫表型。然而,有限的工作已经研究了这两个因素在野生来源幼虫的连续个体发育阶段的贡献。使用来自密歇根州黑湖 (美国) 的野生湖鲟 (Acipenser fulvescens),在成年选定的产卵区沿七条横断面线以一米的间隔在孵化前从溪流基质中收集受精卵。在鸡蛋收集点记录微生境变量(深度、排放量、基质尺寸)。在孵化时量化卵黄囊幼虫 (N = 359) 的体长、体面积和卵黄囊面积。在开始外源喂养后,每周测量一次幼虫的生长情况,持续四个星期。使用基于遗传的分析来分配亲子关系。孵化时量化的表型性状的个体间差异归因于溪流微生境变量;平均深度影响最大。在孵化时没有检测到附加的遗传效应。出苗后幼虫的生长在半同胞组内和之间有显着差异,在孵化后 33 天观察到的体型范围最大。加性遗传变异和遗传力随着年龄的增长而增加。结果表明,雌性选择的孵化栖息地影响了野生鱼类孵化时的性状,但影响不会持续到连续的个体发育阶段。或者,