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An IoT-Based School Bus and Vehicle Tracking System Using RFID Technology and Mobile Data Networks
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s13369-020-05111-3
Muhammad Wasim Raad , Mohamed Deriche , Tarek Sheltami

The growing concerns of families about the safety and security of their children prompted a major interest in developing robust systems that offer efficient tracking and monitoring of children commuting between homes and schools. With the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology, in addition to Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), developing such systems became feasible and cost-effective. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of a comprehensive low-cost system based on IoT that allows schools, parents, and authorities to track the movement of children while in school buses or being transported in private vehicles in real time. The system is based on off-the-shelf passive RFID readers that are installed within buses, next to bus stations, and pick-up points at school entrances. We have implemented the system as an application connected to a MySQL database deployed over the Heroku’s versatile cloud platform. The different stakeholders (parents and school administrators) connect to the system through the Internet using a secure Java GUI. The parents can track their children along the bus route in real time. The system is built to integrate children monitoring within the buses, the tracking of the buses, and the tracking of private vehicles transporting children to/from school. The developed system provides additional security features such as access to safety records of bus/vehicle drivers and infringements. A variety of reports for different activities of buses and vehicles can be generated in real time at the school level. The system was tested successfully over the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals large campus which includes several schools (kindergarten, primary, and secondary).



家庭对孩子的安全性日益增长的关注促使人们对开发健壮的系统产生了浓厚的兴趣,该系统可以有效跟踪和监视在家庭和学校之间上下班的儿童。随着物联网(IoT)技术的出现,除了射频识别(RFID),开发这样的系统变得可行且具有成本效益。在本文中,我们介绍了基于物联网的综合低成本系统的设计和实现,该系统允许学校,父母和当局实时跟踪在校车或私家车中儿童的活动。该系统基于现成的无源RFID读取器,该读取器安装在公交车内,公交车站旁边以及学校入口处的接站。我们已经将该系统实现为与通过Heroku通用云平台部署的MySQL数据库连接的应用程序。不同的利益相关者(父母和学校管理员)使用安全的Java GUI通过Internet连接到系统。父母可以实时跟踪沿公交路线的孩子。该系统的构建是为了整合公交车内的儿童监控,公交车的跟踪以及将儿童送往学校/从学校运送的私人车辆的跟踪。开发的系统提供其他安全功能,例如访问公共汽车/车辆驾驶员的安全记录和侵权行为。可以在学校一级实时生成有关公交车和车辆不同活动的各种报告。
