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D-ultrafilters and their monads
Advances in Mathematics ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aim.2020.107486
Jiří Adámek , Lurdes Sousa

For a number of locally finitely presentable categories K we describe the codensity monad of the full embedding of all finitely presentable objects into K. We introduce the concept of D-ultrafilter on an object, where D is a "nice" cogenerator of K. We prove that the codensity monad assigns to every object an object representing all D-ultrafilters on it. Our result covers e.g. categories of sets, vector spaces, posets, semilattices, graphs and M-sets for finite commutative monoids M.


D-ultrafilters 和他们的 monads

对于许多局部有限可表示类别 K,我们描述了所有有限可表示对象完全嵌入到 K 中的共密度单子。我们在对象上引入了 D-ultrafilter 的概念,其中 D 是 K 的“好”cogenerator。证明共密度 monad 为每个对象分配一个表示其上所有 D-ultrafilters 的对象。我们的结果涵盖了例如有限可交换幺半群 M 的集合类别、向量空间、偏序集、半格、图和 M 集。