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Cytobrushing of the oral mucosa as a possible tool for early detection of testudinid herpesvirus in Horsfield’s tortoises with nonspecific clinical signs
The Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-09 , DOI: 10.1177/1040638720968544
Alessandro Vetere 1 , Mara Bertocchi 2 , Igor Pelizzone 2 , Giuseppe F La Cauza 3 , Laura Denti 2 , Enrico Bigliardi 2 , Francesco Di Ianni 2

Forty-five Horsfield’s tortoises (Testudo horsfieldii; syn. Agrionemys horfieldii, Russian tortoise) belonging to different owners had decreased appetite and respiratory issues. Twenty-nine tortoises had epiphora, dyspnea, and white necrotic diphtheroid oral plaques (group G1). Ten of the remaining 16 tortoises had serious dehydration, appetite disorder, and depression (G2). The last 6 tortoises had only decreased appetite and moderate conjunctival discharge (G3). During the physical examination of all 45 tortoises, a cytologic sample and an oral swab for herpesvirus and Mycoplasma agassizii PCR testing were taken. In 20 of 29 specimens from G1, in 8 of 16 from G2, and 0 of 6 from G3, the cytologic exam revealed intranuclear acidophilic inclusion bodies, multinucleate cellular syncytia, and further abnormalities caused by herpesviral infection. Moreover, all 45 tested subjects were found to be positive for testudinid herpesvirus 1; 2 were positive for M. agassizii. This prospective study suggests that Horsfield’s tortoises with such signs would benefit from this screening procedure, given that it was effective in a significant proportion of infected and symptomatic animals, and no negative effects were seen.



属于不同主人的45 只霍斯菲尔德陆龟(Testudo horsfieldii;同义词Agrionemys horfieldii,俄罗斯陆龟)食欲下降和呼吸系统问题。29 只陆龟出现溢泪、呼吸困难和白色坏死性白喉口腔斑块(G1 组)。其余 16 只陆龟中有 10 只严重脱水、食欲不振和抑郁(G2)。最后 6 只陆龟只有食欲下降和中度结膜分泌物 (G3)。在对所有 45 只陆龟进行体格检查时,采集了一份细胞学样本和一份疱疹病毒和支原体的口腔拭子进行了 PCR 测试。在来自 G1 的 29 个标本中的 20 个、来自 G2 的 16 个标本中的 8 个和来自 G3 的 6 个标本中的 0 个,细胞学检查显示核内嗜酸包涵体、多核细胞合胞体以及由疱疹病毒感染引起的进一步异常。此外,所有 45 名测试对象都被发现对睾丸疱疹病毒 1 呈阳性;2 对M. agassizii呈阳性。这项前瞻性研究表明,具有这些迹象的霍斯菲尔德陆龟将受益于这种筛查程序,因为它对很大比例的受感染和有症状的动物有效,并且没有看到任何负面影响。
