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On Modeling the Creativity and the Concept of Chef-D’oeuvre
Cognitive Systems Research ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cogsys.2020.10.007
Olga Chernavskaya , Yaroslav Rozhylo

Abstract The problem of modeling the creativity is shown to be entirely connected with another mysterious challenge — the “Explanatory Gap” between the concepts of “Brain” and “Mind”. We use the Natural Constructive Cognitive Architecture, with its important feature being the combination of two subsystems, for generation of new information and for its conservation. “Brain” is considered as records of the raw images of real objects (individual objective information), while “Mind” refers to individual subjective information created inside the cognitive system (symbols). We argued that creativity can be treated as “an effort to bring a piece of personal “Brain” into the “Mind” and World”. Specific thinking mode (intellectual panic or throes of creativity) is shown to enhance the creative work resulting in over-mobilization and even enriching personal deep inside (“Brain”) experience. It is simulated by chaotic jumps of the noise amplitude around abnormally high value. The nature of Aesthetic Emotions and the concept of Chef-D’oeuvre are analyzed. It is shown that they are caused by the “recognition paradox”: an object seems both, familiar but unusual. This occurs if the “Brain” does see its subtle features, while the “Mind” does not realize. Bright aesthetic emotions (goosebumps) are caused by irregular excitation of implicit associations provided by weak (“gray”) connections of the halo neurons (simulating the subconsciousness). General formula for Chef-D’oeuvre in science and art could be expressed as “condensed capacity to see the invisible, to combine the incompatible”.



摘要 创造力建模问题被证明与另一个神秘的挑战——“大脑”和“思维”概念之间的“解释鸿沟”完全相关。我们使用自然建构认知架构,其重要特征是两个子系统的结合,用于新信息的生成和保存。“大脑”被认为是真实物体原始图像的记录(个人客观信息),而“头脑”是指在认知系统内部创造的个人主观信息(符号)。我们认为创造力可以被视为“将个人“大脑”带入“思想”和世界的努力”。特定的思维模式(智力恐慌或创造力的阵痛)被证明可以增强创造性工作,从而导致过度动员甚至丰富个人内心深处(“大脑”)的体验。它是通过噪声幅度在异常高值附近的混沌跳跃来模拟的。分析了审美情感的本质和厨师长的概念。结果表明,它们是由“识别悖论”引起的:一个物体看起来既熟悉又不寻常。如果“大脑”确实看到了它的微妙特征,而“头脑”没有意识到,就会发生这种情况。明亮的审美情绪(鸡皮疙瘩)是由晕神经元(模拟潜意识)的弱(“灰色”)连接提供的内隐联想的不规则激发引起的。