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Incidence rates of hospitalization and death from COVID-19 in patients with psoriasis receiving biological treatment: A Northern Italy experience
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology ( IF 14.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2020.10.032
Paolo Gisondi 1 , Stefano Piaserico 2 , Luigi Naldi 3 , Paolo Dapavo 4 , Andrea Conti 5 , Piergiorgio Malagoli 6 , Angelo Valerio Marzano 7 , Federico Bardazzi 8 , Massimo Gasperini 9 , Simone Cazzaniga 10 , Antonio Costanzo 11 ,


Whether biologic therapies enhance the risk of coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) or affect the disease outcome in patients with chronic plaque psoriasis remains to be ascertained.


We sought to investigate the incidence of hospitalization and death for COVID-19 in a large sample of patients with plaque psoriasis receiving biologic therapies compared with the general population.


This is a retrospective multicenter cohort study including patients with chronic plaque psoriasis (n = 6501) being treated with biologic therapy and regularly followed up at the divisions of dermatology of several main hospitals in the Northern Italian cities of Verona, Padua, Vicenza, Modena, Bologna, Piacenza, Turin, and Milan. Incidence rates of hospitalization and death per 10,000 person-months with exact mid-p 95% CIs and standardized incidence ratios were estimated in the patients with psoriasis and compared with those in the general population in the same geographic areas.


The incidence rate of hospitalization for COVID-19 was 11.7 (95% CI, 7.2-18.1) per 10,000 person-months in patients with psoriasis and 14.4 (95% CI, 14.3-14.5) in the general population; the incidence rate of death from COVID-19 was 1.3 (95% CI, 0.2-4.3) and 4.7 (95% CI, 4.6-4.7) in patients with psoriasis and the general population, respectively. The standardized incidence ratio of hospitalization and death in patients with psoriasis compared with those in the general population was 0.94 (95% CI, 0.57-1.45; P = .82) and 0.42 (95% CI, 0.07-1.38; P = .19), respectively.


Our data did not show any adverse impact of biologics on COVID-19 outcome in patients with psoriasis. We would not advise biologic discontinuation in patients on treatment since more than 6 months and not infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 to prevent hospitalization and death from COVID-19.


接受生物治疗的银屑病患者因 COVID-19 住院和死亡的发病率:意大利北部的经验


生物疗法是否会增加冠状病毒 2019 (COVID-19) 的风险或影响慢性斑块状银屑病患者的疾病结果仍有待确定。


我们试图调查大量接受生物治疗的斑块状银屑病患者与普通人群相比,COVID-19 住院和死亡的发生率。


这是一项回顾性多中心队列研究,包括接受生物治疗的慢性斑块状银屑病患者(n = 6501),并定期在意大利北部城市维罗纳、帕多瓦、维琴察、摩德纳的几家主要医院的皮肤科进行随访,博洛尼亚、皮亚琴察、都灵和米兰。在银屑病患者中估计每 10,000 人月的住院和死亡发生率,准确的中值 p 95% CI 和标准化发病率,并与相同地理区域的一般人群进行比较。


银屑病患者的 COVID-19 住院发生率为 11.7(95% CI,7.2-18.1)/10,000 人月,普通人群为 14.4(95% CI,14.3-14.5);在银屑病患者和普通人群中,COVID-19 的死亡率分别为 1.3(95% CI,0.2-4.3)和 4.7(95% CI,4.6-4.7)。与普通人群相比,银屑病患者住院和死亡的标准化发病率分别为 0.94(95% CI,0.57-1.45;P  = .82)和 0.42(95% CI,0.07-1.38;P  = .19 ) ), 分别。


我们的数据未显示生物制剂对银屑病患者 COVID-19 结果的任何不利影响。我们不建议对超过 6 个月且未感染严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 的患者进行生物制剂停药,以防止因 COVID-19 住院和死亡。
