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When the Bond Breaks: Variables Associated with Grief Following Companion Animal Loss
Anthrozoös ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1080/08927936.2020.1824651
Dawn M. Cowling 1 , Sari G. E. Isenstein 1 , Margaret S. Schneider 1

ABSTRACT This research used an online quantitative survey to investigate variables related to grief following pet loss. These included type of relationship, animal species, amount of time since death, cause of death, attachment, and social support. We also examined emotions hypothesized to be associated with pet loss: grief, guilt, and loneliness. Female and male participants over the age of 18 years (n = 85) who had lost a companion animal within the previous six months completed the survey. We divided the cohort into three groups rep- resenting high, middle, and low levels of grief. Individuals in the high grief group experienced the highest level of guilt and loneliness when compared with those with low and medium levels of grief. Grief was also related to the way in which participants described their pets. Those who classified their pet as their “child” or “best friend” reported significantly higher levels of grief in comparison with those who considered their pets to be “good companions.” Furthermore, a high level of pet attachment was associated with higher grief. Other variables related to level of grief included age, which was inversely related to grief, guilt, and loneliness, and the presence of supportive others ameliorated guilt and loneliness. Species of animal was related to guilt and grief, with rabbit owners exhibiting significantly less guilt and grief than dog and cat owners. The type of death was not associated with grief, guilt, or loneliness scores. The major- ity of respondents felt supported following their loss, although some did not feel understood and expressed a lack of social recognition for their loss.



摘要 本研究使用在线定量调查来调查与失去宠物后的悲伤相关的变量。这些包括关系类型、动物种类、死亡时间、死亡原因、依恋和社会支持。我们还研究了假设与失去宠物有关的情绪:悲伤、内疚和孤独。18 岁以上(n = 85)的女性和男性参与者在过去六个月内失去了伴侣动物完成了调查。我们将这群人分为三组,分别代表高、中和低水平的悲伤。与低度和中度悲伤的人相比,高悲伤组的人经历了最高水平的内疚和孤独。悲伤还与参与者描述宠物的方式有关。与那些认为宠物是“好伙伴”的人相比,那些将宠物归类为“孩子”或“最好的朋友”的人报告的悲伤程度要高得多。此外,高水平的宠物依恋与更高的悲伤有关。与悲伤程度相关的其他变量包括年龄,它与悲伤、内疚和孤独呈负相关,支持他人的存在减轻了内疚和孤独。动物的种类与内疚和悲伤有关,兔子主人表现出的内疚和悲伤明显低于狗和猫主人。死亡类型与悲伤、内疚或孤独感得分无关。大多数受访者在失去后感到得到支持,尽管有些人感觉不被理解,并表示对他们的损失缺乏社会认可。