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Strategies for deployment of reproductive material under supply limitations – a case study of Norway spruce seed sources in Sweden
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-03 , DOI: 10.1080/02827581.2020.1833979
Jenny Lundströmer 1 , Bo Karlsson 2 , Mats Berlin 3

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to analyze and compare the performance of Norway spruce seed sources from Swedish stands of East European origin (SweEast) with material from Swedish (SweSO) and East European (EastSO) seed orchards, and with material from Swedish (SweS) and East European (EastS) unimproved stands. The seed sources were field tested at six locations in southern Sweden and assessed for growth and phenology. The assessment of growth traits indicated that trees from SweSO and EastSO had 9–15% greater growth with respect to tree height and diameter in comparison to trees from Swedish local unimproved stands (SweS). Trees from SweEast and EastS showed around 5–7% greater growth. With respect to phenological traits, the expected later bud burst for EastS and EastSO in comparison to SweS, SweSO and SweEast was verified. However, SweEast exhibited earlier bud burst compared to EastS than what could be explained by pollination by Swedish pollen. This was explained by early land race formation for that trait. A strong positive correlation was observed between bud burst and frost damage, which indicates that earlier bud burst does indeed increase the risk of damage from late spring frost at frost-prone sites.



摘要 本研究的目的是分析和比较来自瑞典东欧 (SweEast) 林分的挪威云杉种子来源与来自瑞典 (SweSO) 和东欧 (EastSO) 种子园的材料以及来自瑞典 (SweEast) 的材料的性能。 SweS) 和东欧 (EastS) 未改进的看台。种子来源在瑞典南部的六个地点进行了实地测试,并评估了生长和物候。生长性状评估表明,与来自瑞典当地未改良林分 (SweS) 的树木相比,来自 SweSO 和 EastSO 的树木在树高和直径方面的生长速度高 9-15%。来自 SweEast 和 EastS 的树木显示出大约 5-7% 的增长。关于物候性状,与 SweS、SweSO 和 SweEast 相比,EastS 和 EastSO 的预期萌芽较晚得到了验证。然而,与通过瑞典花粉授粉所能解释的情况相比,SweEast 表现出比 EastS 更早的芽爆裂。这可以通过该特征的早期陆地种族形成来解释。芽破与冻害之间存在很强的正相关关系,这表明较早的芽破确实增加了易受霜冻地区晚春霜冻破坏的风险。