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Ambient particulate matter levels and health profile in residents of Choba and Mgbuoba areas of Rivers State: A cross-sectional study
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-24 , DOI: 10.1080/10962247.2020.1846636
E O Nwaichi 1 , S E Uzodike 1 , B A Amadi 2 , E O Ugwoha 1


The study investigated the health profile of individuals exposed to particulate matter (Black) soot in Choba and Mgbuoba localities of Port Harcourt. The analysis was executed with the aid of 100 respondents (50 from Choba and 50 from Mgbuoba). A structured questionnaire with the outlined elements was utilized during data collection for the study: manner of living, type of occupation, environmental exposure, known health issues, fitness and cleanliness, and Key Informant Interviews (KII) were exploited to gain pertinent data from health professionals. A hand-held Kestrel weather tracker was employed to ascertain the wind speed, temperature, and relative humidity of the study areas while A Met One Instrument, Inc. Aerosol Mass Monitor Model GT–531 was utilized to estimate total suspended particulates. Biochemical parameters such as lipid profile, renal markers, and liver markers activities were analyzed from blood samples obtained from the subjects using spectrophotometric methods. The air quality profile of Mgbuoba showed significant (p < .05) increment in total suspended particulate matter, total suspended particulate matter (TSPM), particulate matter that is 10 microns in diameter or less (PM10), and particulate matter that is 2.5 microns in diameter or less (PM2.5) from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. compared with Choba. The increment in Total suspended particulate matter, PM10, and PM2.5 levels were beyond the 24-hour PM10 and PM2.5 recommended level by the World Health Organization (WHO). The alanine transaminase (ALT) and low density lipoproptein (LDL) levels of Choba and Mgbuoba residents were beyond the reference limits set by the Medical Council of Canada. The study showed that residents in Mgbuoba in Port Harcourt may be more at risk and have higher vulnerability to the undesirable outcomes associated with exposures to these air contaminants. A rising and worrisome trend in respiratory and related conditions among less mobile residents call for emergency response to emission of black soot in the area.

Implications: The study investigated the health profile of individuals exposed to particulate matter (Black) soot in Choba and Mgbuoba localities of Port Harcourt. This outcome clearly shows that these air pollutants are higher in concentrations early in the morning and their concentrations decreased as the day went by. Therefore, by implication, the residents in these areas may be at high risk of exposure to these air pollutants from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. The present study has demonstrated that these air pollutants are more prominent very early in the mornings and variations in meteorological conditions at a particular time, and anthropogenic activities might have contributed to the elevations in the concentration of TSPM, PM10, and PM2.5 in Choba and Mgbuoba.




该研究调查了哈科特港 Choba 和 Mgbuoba 地区暴露于颗粒物(黑色)烟尘的个人的健康状况。该分析是在 100 名受访者(50 名来自 Choba,50 名来自 Mgbuoba)的帮助下进行的。在研究数据收集过程中使用了包含概述要素的结构化问卷:生活方式、职业类型、环境暴露、已知的健康问题、健康和清洁度,并利用关键知情人访谈 (KII) 从健康中获取相关数据专业人士。手持 Kestrel 天气跟踪器被用来确定研究区域的风速、温度和相对湿度,而 A Met One Instrument, Inc. 气溶胶质量监测器模型 GT-531 被用来估计总悬浮颗粒物。生化参数,如脂质谱,使用分光光度法从受试者的血液样本中分析肾脏标志物和肝脏标志物的活性。Mgbuoba 的空气质量剖面显示显着(p < .05) 总悬浮颗粒物、总悬浮颗粒物 (TSPM)、直径 10 微米或更小颗粒物(PM 10 ) 和直径 2.5 微米或更小颗粒物 (PM 2.5 ) 的增量从早上 6 点到早上 8 点与 Choba 相比。总悬浮颗粒物、PM 10和 PM 2.5水平的增量超出了 24 小时 PM 10和 PM 2.5世界卫生组织 (WHO) 推荐的水平。Choba 和 Mgbuoba 居民的丙氨酸转氨酶 (ALT) 和低密度脂蛋白 (LDL) 水平超出了加拿大医学委员会设定的参考限值。该研究表明,哈科特港 Mgbuoba 的居民可能面临更大的风险,并且更容易受到与暴露于这些空气污染物相关的不良后果的影响。流动性较差的居民呼吸和相关疾病的上升和令人担忧的趋势要求对该地区的黑烟排放做出紧急响应。

影响:该研究调查了哈科特港乔巴和姆布奥巴地区暴露于颗粒物(黑色)烟灰的个人的健康状况。这一结果清楚地表明,这些空气污染物在清晨的浓度较高,而随着时间的流逝,它们的浓度会下降。因此,这意味着这些地区的居民可能在早上 6 点至早上 8 点之间接触这些空气污染物的风险很高。目前的研究表明,这些空气污染物在清晨非常突出,并且在特定时间和人为活动可能导致Choba 和 Mgbuoba的 TSPM、PM 10和 PM 2.5浓度升高。
