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Geomorphological Analysis of the Southwestern Margin of Xanadu, Titan: Insights on Tectonics
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-03 , DOI: 10.1029/2020je006407
Pietro Matteoni 1 , Giuseppe Mitri 1, 2 , Valerio Poggiali 3 , Marco Mastrogiuseppe 4

Evidence for tectonic activity on Titan is provided by the presence of eroded mountain ranges. Xanadu is an equatorial region of Titan characterized by a complex topography, even though, overall, it has a lower average elevation compared to its surroundings. We investigated Xanadu's southwestern margin, a part of the region composed of heavily eroded and rugged terrains to the north and east, and of smoother, more uniform terrains to the west and south. The central portions of southwestern Xanadu (SW Xanadu) are characterized by an extensive fluvial network. The presence of such a distinctive feature was the main reason motivating the study of this area, given its potential to provide tectonic indications. Through detailed geomorphological mapping (map scale 1:700,000) on Synthetic Aperture Radar data and analysis of both fluvial drainage patterns and Digital Terrain Models, we identified several putative tectonic structures in this area: normal faulting to the west and east, thrust faulting to the north, and small‐scale strike‐slip faulting in its central parts. Pull‐apart basins are depressions bounded by both dip‐slip faults and by (overlapping and/or bending) segments of a major transcurrent fault, that is, they are basins generated in transtensional tectonic settings. We propose that central SW Xanadu is a pull‐apart basin, bordered by both normal and thrust faults and formed by transtensional tectonics, which we consider to be the most recent tectonic phase active in this area. This basin is characterized by small‐scale strike‐slip faulting within it, on which a fluvial network has subsequently imposed.



泰坦构造活动的证据是由被侵蚀的山脉提供的。世外桃源(Xanadu)是泰坦(Titan)的赤道地区,地势复杂,尽管总的来说,其平均海拔比周围环境低。我们调查了Xanadu的西南边缘,该区域的一部分由北部和东部的严重侵蚀和崎terrain地形组成,而西部和南部的地形更平滑,更统一。西南Xanadu(SW Xanadu)的中央部分具有广泛的河流网络。考虑到其提供构造指示的潜力,这种独特特征的存在是促使对该地区进行研究的主要原因。通过详细的地貌制图(地图比例为1:700,000)在合成孔径雷达数据上以及对河流排水模式和数字地形模型的分析中,我们确定了该地区的几个假定构造构造:西和东的正断层,北的逆冲断层和小规模走滑它的中央部分有故障。拉分盆地是由倾滑断层和主要逆流断层的段(重叠和/或弯曲)界定的depression陷,即它们是在张性构造环境中生成的盆地。我们认为,Xanadu中部是拉断盆地,与正断层和逆冲断层接壤,并由张性构造构造形成,我们认为这是该地区最近的构造相。该盆地的特点是其内部存在小型走滑断层,