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Force and temperature analysis during distinct machining environment using an optimization approach
Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-03
Anurag Sharma, R C Singh, Ranganath M Singari, S L Bhandarkar

Cryogenic cooling with liquid nitrogen has a wide field of scientific and engineering applications. The aim of the presented research work is to analyze the impact on cutting force and temperature during the LN2 single supply at (i) rake face and double supply (ii) rake and flank face of TiN coated carbide cutting tool during turning of AISI D3 steel. Taguchi based S/N ratio was used for Design of Experiments (DoE) of L18 orthogonal array. The four control factors were selected. The three factors like speed, feed and depth of cut were varied to three levels. The fourth factor was the machining condition which was varied to two levels. The cutting force and temperature were declined by 32-48% and 34-46% during the double supply of LN2 at rake and flank face as compared to single supply at rake face. The influence and percentage of contribution of each factor were found out by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The double supply method with LN2 supply at rake and flank face had the highest effect of contribution in the percentage as 77.13% and 87.42% for cutting force and temperature respectively. The values obtained during confirmatory runs were very close to the optimized results within the limits.



用液氮进行低温冷却具有广泛的科学和工程应用领域。本研究工作的目的是分析AISI D3车削时(i)TiN涂层硬质合金刀具的(i)前刀面和双供应(ii)前刀面和后刀面LN 2单进给期间对切削力和温度的影响钢。基于Taguchi的信噪比用于L 18正交阵列的实验设计(DoE)。选择了四个控制因素。速度,进给和切削深度这三个因素分为三个级别。第四个因素是加工条件,它分为两个级别。LN 2双重供应期间,切削力和温度分别下降了32-48%和34-46%与前刀面的单次供给相比,前刀面和后刀面的情况更是如此。通过方差分析(ANOVA)找出每个因素的影响和贡献百分比。前刀面和后刀面采用LN 2供给的双重供给方式对切​​削力和温度的贡献最大,分别为77.13%和87.42%。在验证性运行期间获得的值在极限范围内非常接近优化结果。