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Drainage, animal manures and fungicides reduce Phytophthora wilt (caused by Phytophthora capsici) of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) in Bhutan
Australasian Plant Pathology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s13313-020-00755-z
G. S. Rai , D. I. Guest

Phytophthora wilt, caused by Phytophthora capsici Leon., is the most devastating disease of chilli in Bhutan. In this study, effects of bed heights to improve soil drainage, animal manures and fungicides on Phytophthora wilt on chilli were evaluated on naturally infested plots at the wet lowlands site of Bhur and in a farmer’s field at a drier, higher altitude site at Darachu in Bhutan. The experimental design was a split-plot arrangement of a randomised complete block. Bed height (flat or raised) was the main plot with amendments (poultry manure, cattle manure) or fungicide drenches (metalaxyl or potassium phosphonate) as subplot treatments. Aged manures (28,000 kg DW/ha) were applied to the field one week before planting. Chilli seedlings in the nursery bed were drenched with 1 g a.i./L potassium phosphonate or 10 mg a.i./L metalaxyl 24 hours prior to transplanting. Plant survival was significantly higher on raised beds than flat beds at Bhur (p = 0.0105), but not Darachu, although marketable yields were significantly higher on raised beds at both sites. At Darachu, poultry manure significantly improved plant survival (50%), as did cattle manure (41%) compared to unamended control plots (25%). Similar results were found at Bhur, with survival on poultry manure amended soils (40%) and cattle manure (34%), both significantly higher than on unamended soils (20%). Both fungicides significantly improved plant survival (p < 0.0001) and marketable yield (p < 0.0001) at both sites. Yields at the high-altitude, drier site at Darachu were generally higher than at the wet lowlands site at Bhur. Marketable yields on phosphonate-treated plots at both Bhur and Darachu, (16.8 and 19.1 tonnes/ha, respectively) and metalaxyl-treated plots (15.4 and 17.5 tonnes/ha) were significantly higher than on untreated plots (6.0 and 7.5 tonnes/ha). A highly significant (p = 0.0007) benefit of combining raised beds planting with manure and fungicide treatments on yield was observed at the wet lowlands site, but not at the drier site. Integrating raised bed planting with the application of poultry manure and fungicides is likely to significantly reduce yield losses of chilli due to Phytophthora wilt in different regions of Bhutan.


排水、动物粪便和杀菌剂可减少不丹辣椒 (Capsicum annuum L.) 的 Phytophthora 枯萎病(由 Phytophthora capsici 引起)

由辣椒疫霉(Phytophthora capsici Leon.)引起的枯萎病是不丹辣椒中最具破坏性的病害。在这项研究中,在 Bhur 潮湿低地的自然侵染地块和 Darachu 干燥、高海拔地区的农田中,评估了床高对改善土壤排水、动物粪便和杀真菌剂对辣椒上的疫霉病的影响。不丹。实验设计是随机完整区组的裂区布置。床高(平坦或凸起)是主要地块,添加修正物(家禽粪便、牛粪)或杀菌剂浸液(甲霜灵或膦酸钾)作为次地块处理。种植前一周在田间施陈肥(28,000 公斤干重/公顷)。苗床中的辣椒幼苗用 1 g ai/L 膦酸钾或 10 mg ai 浸湿 /L 甲霜灵 移植前 24 小时。在 Bhur (p = 0.0105),高架床上的植物存活率明显高于平床,但在 Darachu 则不然,尽管两个地点的高架床上的可销售产量显着更高。在 Darachu,与未修改的对照地块 (25%) 相比,家禽粪便显着提高了植物存活率 (50%),牛粪 (41%) 也是如此。在 Bhur 也发现了类似的结果,家禽粪便改良土壤 (40%) 和牛粪便 (34%) 的存活率均显着高于未改良土壤 (20%)。两种杀菌剂都显着提高了两个地点的植物存活率 (p < 0.0001) 和可销售的产量 (p < 0.0001)。Darachu 高海拔、干燥地区的产量普遍高于 Bhur 潮湿低地地区的产量。Bhur 和 Darachu 经膦酸盐处理的地块的可销售产量,(分别为 16.8 和 19.1 吨/公顷)和甲霜灵处理的地块(15.4 和 17.5 吨/公顷)显着高于未处理地块(6.0 和 7.5 吨/公顷)。在潮湿的低地地点观察到将高架床种植与粪便和杀菌剂处理相结合对产量的显着益处(p = 0.0007),但在较干燥的地点则没有观察到。将高架床种植与家禽粪便和杀菌剂的应用相结合,可能会显着减少不丹不同地区疫霉病造成的辣椒产量损失。0007)在潮湿的低地地区观察到了将高架床种植与粪便和杀菌剂处理相结合对产量的好处,但在较干燥的地区则没有观察到。将高架床种植与家禽粪便和杀菌剂的应用相结合,可能会显着减少不丹不同地区疫霉病造成的辣椒产量损失。0007)在潮湿的低地地区观察到将高架床种植与粪便和杀菌剂处理相结合对产量的好处,但在较干燥的地区则没有观察到。将高架床种植与家禽粪便和杀菌剂的应用相结合,可能会显着减少不丹不同地区疫霉病造成的辣椒产量损失。