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Reaching for the Mountains at the End of a Rebelocracy: Changes in Land and Water Access in Colombia's Highlands During the Post-peace Agreement Phase
Frontiers in Environmental Science ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-29 , DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2020.546821
Laura Betancur-Alarcón , Torsten Krause

The armed conflict shaped and determined land-uses, water access and social and environmental norms in highlands regions in Colombia for several decades. The withdrawal of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) after the Peace Agreement with the government of Colombia in 2016, has brought new dynamics in access and uses of land leading to increasingly visible social-environmental impacts across the country. Social and environmental transformations are taking place in Colombia's highlands and páramo areas, which supply 70% of the country's freshwater. Yet, there is little understanding how these transformations occur. We conducted ethnographic fieldwork focusing on the experiences of local actors in natural resource access in Combia village, which was controlled by the FARC for over two decades until 2016. Combia is located in the Las Hermosas mountain region in the southwest of the country. Our interviews and revision of local and regional policy documents show how the transition from the social order under FARC control to a State-regulated phase led to an interplay of new actors and new authority figures which in turn reconfigure local land distribution and control over water. The shift of power as a direct result of the peace agreement and the retraction of the FARC reinforces unequal access to land and water, particularly for peasants without land ownership, which ironically has been the core issue in Colombia's protracted armed conflict.



数十年来,武装冲突塑造并决定了哥伦比亚高地地区的土地使用、供水以及社会和环境规范。哥伦比亚革命武装力量 (FARC) 在 2016 年与哥伦比亚政府达成和平协议后撤出,为土地的获取和使用带来了新的动力,导致全国范围内的社会环境影响越来越明显。哥伦比亚的高地和帕拉莫地区正在发生社会和环境转型,这些地区供应了该国 70% 的淡水。然而,人们对这些转变是如何发生的知之甚少。我们开展了民族志实地考察,重点关注 Combia 村当地参与者在自然资源获取方面的经验,该村在 2016 年之前由哥伦比亚革命武装力量控制了二十多年。Combia位于该国西南部的拉斯赫莫萨斯山区。我们对地方和区域政策文件的采访和修订显示了从哥伦比亚革命武装力量控制下的社会秩序向国家监管阶段的过渡如何导致新参与者和新权威人物的相互作用,进而重新配置当地土地分配和对水的控制。作为和平协议的直接结果和哥伦比亚革命武装力量的撤回,权力的转移加剧了获得土地和水的不平等,特别是对于没有土地所有权的农民而言,具有讽刺意味的是,这一直是哥伦比亚旷日持久的武装冲突的核心问题。我们对地方和区域政策文件的采访和修订显示了从哥伦比亚革命武装力量控制下的社会秩序向国家监管阶段的过渡如何导致新参与者和新权威人物的相互作用,进而重新配置当地土地分配和对水的控制。作为和平协议的直接结果和哥伦比亚革命武装力量的撤回,权力的转移加剧了获得土地和水的不平等,特别是对于没有土地所有权的农民而言,具有讽刺意味的是,这一直是哥伦比亚旷日持久的武装冲突的核心问题。我们对地方和区域政策文件的采访和修订显示了从哥伦比亚革命武装力量控制下的社会秩序向国家监管阶段的过渡如何导致新参与者和新权威人物的相互作用,进而重新配置当地土地分配和对水的控制。作为和平协议的直接结果和哥伦比亚革命武装力量的撤回,权力的转移加剧了获得土地和水的不平等,特别是对于没有土地所有权的农民而言,具有讽刺意味的是,这一直是哥伦比亚旷日持久的武装冲突的核心问题。