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Yielding parameters, nutritional value of soybean seed and weed infestation in relay-strip intercropping system with buckwheat
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B, Soil and Plant Science ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-28 , DOI: 10.1080/09064710.2020.1831586
Wojciech Biszczak 1 , Krzysztof Różyło 1 , Piotr Kraska 1


The aim of the study was to verify the hypothesis that intercropping of soybean with buckwheat will positively affect yielding parameters and nutritional value of soybean seed. The experimental scheme assumed intercropping of two soybean cultivars alternately with one and two rows of buckwheat. The control (C) was soybean in monoculture. Both Annushka and Mavka cultivars significantly increased seed yield in the intercropping system with one row of buckwheat as compared to control. The addition of two rows of buckwheat resulted in a significant decrease in seed yield of both soybean cultivars compared to control. The seeds of both cultivars had significantly higher fat content and better fatty acid composition in both variants of intercropping with buckwheat compared to soybean monoculture. Significant changes in the amino acid composition were noted in the seeds of Mavka cultivar, in which glutamic and aspartic acids were the most abundant and the cultivation with two rows of buckwheat additionally increased their content. Intercropping of soybean with buckwheat significantly reduced weed infestation in both tested soybean cultivars. The presented results confirm the assumed hypothesis and the most advantageous variant turned out to be the cultivation of soybean with one row of buckwheat.




