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Living the Non-Dream: An Examination of the Links Between Dreaming, Enactment, and Transformations in hallucinosis
The Psychoanalytic Quarterly ( IF 0.788 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-27 , DOI: 10.1080/00332828.2020.1805269
Rodrigo Barahona 1

Bion developed a clinical theory of therapeutic action that asks the analyst to interact with and catalyze the patient's ability to dream an emotionally real experience of himself. The intersubjective engagement that, at every moment, underpins the analytic experience generates moments of enactment that are necessary for the bringing to light and transformation of unrepresented states at the center of the patient's problems. Decades of Bionian scholarship and practice around the concept of transformation in hallucinosis, and newer work on dreaming and non-dreaming states by Cassorla, can allow us to see the connective tissue between enactment and deeper layers of the mind involved in the capacity to think, dream, and be fully human. An understanding of these connections can help the analyst re-engage with his dreaming and symbolic capacity, hampered by the enactment, and bring to focus the undreamt dream at the center of the patient's current anxiety.



Bion 提出了一种治疗作用的临床理论,该理论要求分析师与患者互动并促进患者梦想自己的情感真实体验的能力。每时每刻都支撑着分析经验的主体间参与产生了制定的时刻,这些时刻对于揭示和转变处于患者问题中心的未表征状态是必要的。几十年来 Bionian 围绕幻觉转化概念的学术和实践,以及 Cassorla 关于做梦和非做梦状态的新工作,可以让我们看到参与思考能力的行为和更深层的心灵之间的结缔组织,做梦,做一个完整的人。对这些联系的理解可以帮助分析师重新投入他的梦想和象征能力,
