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The Anthropozoic era revisited
Lethaia ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-27 , DOI: 10.1111/let.12408
Valentí Rull 1

This paper explains in some detail the poorly known proposal of Stoppani (1873) regarding the Anthropozoic era, whose beginning was defined by the first traces of human presence on Earth. This author set the stratigraphical bases for the definition of the ‘human era’, but the proposal had two main weaknesses: the dismissal of biological evolution and the lack of an absolute chronology. Further developments in radiometric/palaeomagnetic dating and the elucidation of the main trends and timing of human evolution have provided the necessary information to update the original Anthropocene proposal in chronological terms, maintaining Stoppani’s original definition and stratigraphic markers. This updated proposal follows the rules of the International Stratigraphic Guide and situates the beginning of the Anthropozoic era at the beginning of the Quaternary, the time at which the first human fossils, corresponding to the first species of the genus Homo and corresponding cultural manifestations have been identified and dated. Therefore, the new Anthropozoic era would follow the Cenozoic era, which ended with the Neogene period. Defined in this way, the Quaternary period and its Pleistocene and Holocene epochs would be situated in the new Anthropozoic era. The main strengths and weaknesses of the updated Anthropozoic version are discussed. It is suggested that the updated Anthropozoic proposal might be fully elaborated to evaluate whether it should be submitted to the International Commission on Stratigraphy and the International Union of Geological Sciences for formalization.



这篇论文详细解释了斯托帕尼 (1873) 关于人类生代时代的鲜为人知的提议,人类生代时代的开始是由人类在地球上存在的最初痕迹定义的。这位作者为“人类时代”的定义设定了地层基础,但该提议有两个主要弱点:忽视生物进化和缺乏绝对的年代学。辐射测量/古地磁测年的进一步发展以及对人类进化的主要趋势和时间的阐明为按时间顺序更新原始人类世提议提供了必要的信息,保持了斯托帕尼的原始定义和地层标记。人类和相应的文化表现形式已被确定并注明日期。因此,新的人类生代将跟随以新近纪结束的新生代。按照这种方式定义,第四纪及其更新世和全新世将位于新的人类生代。讨论了更新的 Anthropozoic 版本的主要优点和缺点。建议对更新后的人类生代提案进行充分阐述,以评估是否应将其提交国际地层委员会和国际地质科学联盟进行正式化。