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Design and performance evaluation of inerter-based tuned mass dampers for a ground acceleration excited structure
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering ( IF 4 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2020.106463
Abdollah Javidialesaadi , Nicholas E. Wierschem

Abstract This paper investigates the design and performance of three configurations of inerter–based tuned mass dampers (TMDs) for the control of undamped single-degree-of-freedom structures subjected to ground acceleration. Inerter-based TMDs utilize the mass effects provided by an inerter in combination with spring and damping elements in otherwise conventional TMDs. The three configurations of inerter-based TMDs investigated have been developed by replacing the dashpot in traditional TMDs with different configurations connecting together a spring, a damper and an inerter. H2 and H-infinity optimum design values are presented through an exact optimization and a numerical optimization, respectively. Each device is also optimally designed considering 44 individual earthquake records. Utilizing individual, average, H2, and H-infinity designs, the performance evaluation of the devices is presented. Similar performance for the three inerter-based TMDs is observed. Compared to the TMD, the inerter-based TMDs can provide a 7% reduction in RMS response to a white noise ground motion, a 25% reduction in the maximum dynamic magnification factor, and an average 7% reduction in the RMS of the primary structure's displacement subjected to earthquake records.



摘要 本文研究了三种基于惯性的调谐质量阻尼器 (TMD) 的设计和性能,用于控制承受地面加速度的无阻尼单自由度结构。基于惰性材料的 TMD 利用惰性材料提供的质量效应,并结合传统 TMD 中的弹簧和阻尼元件。通过用将弹簧、阻尼器和惰性件连接在一起的不同配置代替传统 TMD 中的缓冲器,开发了三种基于惰性的 TMD 配置。H2 和 H-infinity 最佳设计值分别通过精确优化和数值优化呈现。每个设备还考虑了 44 个单独的地震记录进行了优化设计。利用个体、平均、H2 和 H 无穷大设计,介绍了设备的性能评估。观察到三种基于惰性物质的 TMD 具有相似的性能。与 TMD 相比,基于惰性的 TMD 可以对白噪声地面运动的 RMS 响应降低 7%,最大动态放大系数降低 25%,主要结构的 RMS 平均降低 7%。受地震记录影响的位移。