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Eosinophilic Leukaemia and Systemic Mycobacterium marinum Infection in an African Pygmy Hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris)
Journal of Comparative Pathology ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jcpa.2020.09.013
Shin-Ichi Nakamura 1 , Masaru Yasuda 2 , Kiyokazu Ozaki 3 , Takamitsu Tsukahara 1

A two-year-old male African pygmy hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris) presented with lethargy and anorexia. Ultrasonographic and radiographic examinations revealed splenomegaly and pneumonia, respectively. Prominent leucocytosis, consisting mainly of large atypical eosinophils, was observed in a peripheral blood smear. Necropsy revealed a black scab on the left hindlimb, which was swollen, an enlarged left inguinal lymph node, firm oedematous lungs, splenomegaly and multiple nodules in the lung, spleen and liver. Histopathologically, infiltration of numerous eosinophils was seen in lung, spleen, liver, kidney, lymph node and adrenal medulla tissues. Necrotizing granulomatous lesions, with intralesional acid-fast bacilli, were found in the lung, spleen, liver, left inguinal lymph node and left hindlimb. Mycobacterium marinum was identified by broad-range polymerase chain reaction targeting of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene. To the best of our knowledge, this is only the second reported case of systemic M. marinum infection in any mammalian species.


非洲侏儒刺猬(Atelerix albiventris)的嗜酸性粒细胞白血病和系统性海洋分枝杆菌感染

一只两岁的雄性非洲侏儒刺猬 ( Atelerix albiventris ) 出现嗜睡和厌食症。超声和放射学检查分别显示脾肿大和肺炎。在外周血涂片中观察到明显的白细胞增多,主要由大的非典型嗜酸性粒细胞组成。尸检显示左侧后肢有黑色痂,肿胀,左侧腹股沟淋巴结肿大,肺硬性水肿,脾肿大,肺、脾和肝多发结节。组织病理学上,肺、脾、肝、肾、淋巴结和肾上腺髓质组织中可见大量嗜酸性粒细胞浸润。在肺、脾、肝、左腹股沟淋巴结和左后肢中发现坏死性肉芽肿病灶,病灶内有抗酸杆菌。通过靶向细菌 16S rRNA 基因的广域聚合酶链反应鉴定了海分枝杆菌。据我们所知,这只是第二次报告的任何哺乳动物物种中系统性海洋分枝杆菌感染病例。
