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Assessing macro- (P, K, Ca, Mg) and micronutrient (Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, B) concentration in vine leaves and grape berries of vitis vinifera by using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2020.105841
Sébastien Cuq , Valérie Lemetter , Didier Kleiber , Cecile Levasseur-Garcia

Abstract Macronutrients (phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium) and micronutrients (manganese, iron, copper, zinc, and boron) play an essential role not only in the general physiology of vines but also in the quality of wine produced. The quantity of each nutrient in the vine is generally determined by analyzing the leaf blades or petioles, but this approach imposes a typical delay of two weeks between sampling and receiving the results, which precludes real-time detection of nutritional deficiencies (e.g., boron deficiency at flowering). Therefore, a method to rapidly analyze vine organs is highly desirable. One candidate for such a method is near-infrared (NIR) reflectance spectroscopy coupled with chemometric methods, based on which winegrowers have already developed prediction models. This approach is widely used today in agriculture. The aim of the present study is to determine whether NIR spectroscopy can be used to obtain accurate information about the nutritional status of vines. In this study, we focus on the mass of phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and boron (B) contained in different vine organs (leaf blades, petioles and berries) over the course of a year. The concentration of these elements was determined based on NIR absorbance spectra from 677 samples of various dried vine organs. Partial least square models for classification and prediction were then developed based on raw and pretreated spectra for each organ, following which the models were tested on an external prediction set. The results show that, for Ca and Mg, all organ models can be used routinely for classification or prediction. For prediction, the Ca (Mg), model produces r2 = 0.88, 0.70, and 0.72 (0.60, 0.72, and 0.80) for leaf blades, petioles, and berries, respectively. Only for leaf blades (berries) is the Ca (Mg) model sufficiently accurate to be used for prediction. For berries, the P, K, and Zn models produce r2 in prediction of 0.77, 0.79, and 0.82, respectively. For petioles, the K model proves reliable for prediction, with r2 = 0.76. The Fe, Cu, and B models produce r2 = 0.72, 0.71, and 0.52, which are suitable for classification but not for prediction. Finally, for leaf blades, the Fe and Cu models produce r2 0.58 and 0.61, respectively, in prediction and thus can be used routinely for classification.



摘要 大量营养素(磷、钾、钙和镁)和微量营养素(锰、铁、铜、锌和硼)不仅在葡萄藤的一般生理机能中起着至关重要的作用,而且对所生产的葡萄酒的质量也起着至关重要的作用。葡萄藤中每种营养素的数量通常通过分析叶片或叶柄来确定,但这种方法会在采样和接收结果之间造成典型的两周延迟,这妨碍了对营养缺乏症(例如,硼缺乏症)的实时检测开花时)。因此,非常需要一种快速分析葡萄器官的方法。这种方法的一个候选方法是结合化学计量方法的近红外 (NIR) 反射光谱法,葡萄种植者已经在此基础上开发了预测模型。这种方法今天广泛用于农业。本研究的目的是确定 NIR 光谱是否可用于获取有关葡萄藤营养状况的准确信息。在这项研究中,我们关注磷 (P)、钾 (K)、钙 (Ca)、镁 (Mg)、锰 (Mn)、铁 (Fe)、铜 (Cu)、锌 (Zn)、一年中不同藤蔓器官(叶片、叶柄和浆果)中所含的硼 (B)。这些元素的浓度是根据 677 个不同干燥葡萄器官样品的 NIR 吸收光谱确定的。然后基于每个器官的原始光谱和预处理光谱开发用于分类和预测的偏最小二乘模型,然后在外部预测集上测试模型。结果表明,对于Ca和Mg,所有器官模型都可以常规用于分类或预测。对于预测,Ca (Mg) 模型分别为叶片、叶柄和浆果生成 r2 = 0.88、0.70 和 0.72(0.60、0.72 和 0.80)。只有叶片(浆果)的 Ca (Mg) 模型足够准确,可用于预测。对于浆果,P、K 和 Zn 模型产生的 r2 预测值分别为 0.77、0.79 和 0.82。对于叶柄,K 模型证明预测可靠,r2 = 0.76。Fe、Cu 和 B 模型产生 r2 = 0.72、0.71 和 0.52,它们适用于分类但不适用于预测。最后,对于叶片,Fe 和 Cu 模型在预测中分别产生 r2 0.58 和 0.61,因此可以常规用于分类。只有叶片(浆果)的 Ca (Mg) 模型足够准确,可用于预测。对于浆果,P、K 和 Zn 模型产生的 r2 预测值分别为 0.77、0.79 和 0.82。对于叶柄,K 模型证明预测可靠,r2 = 0.76。Fe、Cu 和 B 模型产生 r2 = 0.72、0.71 和 0.52,它们适用于分类但不适用于预测。最后,对于叶片,Fe 和 Cu 模型在预测中分别产生 r2 0.58 和 0.61,因此可以常规用于分类。只有叶片(浆果)的 Ca (Mg) 模型足够准确,可用于预测。对于浆果,P、K 和 Zn 模型产生的 r2 预测值分别为 0.77、0.79 和 0.82。对于叶柄,K 模型证明预测可靠,r2 = 0.76。Fe、Cu 和 B 模型产生 r2 = 0.72、0.71 和 0.52,它们适用于分类但不适用于预测。最后,对于叶片,Fe 和 Cu 模型在预测中分别产生 r2 0.58 和 0.61,因此可以常规用于分类。0.52,适合分类但不适合预测。最后,对于叶片,Fe 和 Cu 模型在预测中分别产生 r2 0.58 和 0.61,因此可以常规用于分类。0.52,适合分类但不适合预测。最后,对于叶片,Fe 和 Cu 模型在预测中分别产生 r2 0.58 和 0.61,因此可以常规用于分类。