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Carbon footprint and economic performance of dairy farms: The case of protected designation of origin farms in France
Agricultural Systems ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agsy.2020.102979
Mathieu Lambotte , Stéphane De Cara , Catherine Brocas , Valentin Bellassen

Abstract This paper assesses the drivers of greenhouse gas emissions and economic performances for a sample of dairy farms Protected Designation of Origin dairy farms in France. Investigating caeteris paribus drivers of performance, we conclude that synergies are rare. Investing in farming equipment, optimizing fuel use or suppressing manure composting can however improve environmental performance by 5 to 13% without impairing profits. In parallel, increasing labor productivity and reducing the share of protein in the diet enhances the economic performance by 7 to 21% without increasing GHG emissions. On the debated merit of intensiveness, our analysis leans towards a negative influence of concentrates, especially protein-rich ones such as soybean cakes, both on economic and environmental performances. This result, consistent with previous studies on extensive systems, could be conditioned by a good know-how and management of grass.



摘要 本文评估了法国受保护的原产地名称奶牛场样本的温室气体排放和经济表现的驱动因素。调查业绩不变的驱动因素,我们得出结论,协同效应很少见。然而,投资农业设备、优化燃料使用或抑制粪便堆肥可以在不损害利润的情况下将环境绩效提高 5% 到 13%。与此同时,提高劳动生产率和减少饮食中蛋白质的份额可以在不增加温室气体排放的情况下将经济绩效提高 7% 到 21%。关于集约化的争论价值,我们的分析倾向于浓缩物,尤其是富含蛋白质的浓缩物,如豆饼,对经济和环境表现的负面影响。这个结果,