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Tropical Cyclones and Possible Winter Thunderstorms on Kamchatka
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-22 , DOI: 10.1134/s0016793220040118
Yu. M. Mikhailov , S. E. Smirnov , G. A. Mikhailova , O. V. Kapustina


The influence of tropical cyclones on the thunderstorm activity on the Kamchatka peninsula for winter thunderstorms in the 2008–2018 period is studied. The temporal variations of the quasi-static electric field and meteorological values at the Paratunka Observatory of the Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radio Wave Propagation (IKIR) of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (φ = 52.97° N; λ = 158.25° E) and data on the solar, seismic, and cyclonic activities available on the INTERNET are used as an indicator of thunderstorm activity. It is shown that, in addition to from solar flares, which are accompanied by increased radiation in the visible and infrared spectra, the infrared radiation from a series of closely located epicenters of average-intensity earthquakes, as well as distant tropical cyclones in the Pacific Ocean, can be a source of powerful flows of warm and humid air for the formation of thunderstorm activity.




研究了热带气旋对堪察加半岛2008-2018年冬季雷暴的雷暴活动的影响。俄罗斯科学院远东分公司的宇宙物理研究所和无线电波传播研究所(IKIR)的Paratunka天文台准静态电场和气象值的时间变化(φ= 52.97°N;λ= 158.25°E)和INTERNET上有关太阳,地震和气旋活动的数据被用作雷暴活动的指标。结果表明,除了太阳耀斑(伴随着可见光谱和红外光谱中辐射的增加)之外,来自一系列平均烈度地震中心附近以及太平洋上遥远的热带气旋的红外辐射海洋,
