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South American Camelids: their values and contributions to people
Sustainability Science ( IF 6 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s11625-020-00874-y
Bibiana Vilá 1, 2 , Yanina Arzamendia 2, 3

South American Camelids (SACs) make several material and non-material contributions to people and are a key component of the Andean biocultural heritage. From the perspective of the IPBES’ Conceptual Framework, SACs constitute the “nature” component in the complex system of interactions between human societies and the Andean mountain environment. There are four SAC living species today, two of which are wild, or Salqa, in the indigenous cosmovision: guanaco (Lama guanicoe) and vicuña (Vicugna vicugna). Llama (Lama glama) and alpaca (Vicugna pacos) were domesticated 5000 years ago, and are therefore Uywa, in the indigenous cosmovision. Both wild and domestic camelids were, and in several cases still are, the most highly appreciated resource for Andean livelihoods. Historically, camelids and their contributions have been used by Andean people since the peopling of the Americas over 11,000 years ago. In this paper, we present three case studies (chakus for vicuña management, llama caravans, and llama nanobodies) to bring attention to the essential role of vicuñas and llamas for Andean communities today, their intercultural linkages with the Western world, and telecoupling interactions.



南美骆驼 (SAC) 为人类做出了多种物质和非物质贡献,是安第斯生物文化遗产的重要组成部分。从 IPBES 的概念框架来看,SAC 构成了人类社会与安第斯山脉环境之间相互作用的复杂系统中的“自然”组成部分。今天有四种 SAC 生物,其中两种是野生的,或Salqa,在土著 cosmovision 中:原驼 ( Lama guanicoe ) 和骆马 ( Vicugna vicugna )。骆驼(Lama glama)和羊驼(Vicugna pacos)在5000年前被驯化,因此是Uywa,在本土宇宙观中。野生骆驼和家养骆驼曾经是,在某些情况下仍然是安第斯山脉最受赞赏的资源。从历史上看,自 11,000 多年前美洲有人居住以来,安第斯人民就一直使用骆驼及其贡献。在本文中,我们介绍了三个案例研究(用于骆马管理的chakus、骆驼商队和骆驼纳米体),以引起人们对骆马和骆驼在当今安第斯社区的重要作用、它们与西方世界的跨文化联系以及远程耦合互动的关注。
