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Rectorite as a Syngenetic Component of a Soddy-Podzolic Soil
Eurasian Soil Science ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-26 , DOI: 10.1134/s1064229320100038
T. V. Alekseeva , A. O. Alekseev


Rectorite (allevardite) is a regularly interstratified mica–smectite, in which each mica (A) layer is “sandwiched” between smectite (B) layers creating ABABAB…. sequence with 50% contribution of each layer. Similar to other ordered minerals, rectorite is rare in nature. The paper provides the results of the study on properties and mineral composition of the soddy weakly podzolic soil (Umbric Albeluvisol) in the Komi Republic, Russian Federation. Rectorite is found in fine fractions of A1 and A2 horizons of this soil. The studied soil has been formed on the light-textured parent material. The soil profile is texturally differentiated by the eluvial type. In the mineral horizons, \({\text{p}}{{{\text{H}}}_{{{{{\text{H}}}_{2}}{\text{O}}}}}\) varies within 5.1–5.3. The mineral composition of fractions <2, 2.0-0.5 and <0.5 μm was studied by X-ray diffractometry (XRD). In the parent material, smectite predominates and is represented by the high-charged beidellite. In addition, its clay fraction contains mica, vermiculite, kaolinite and chlorite, as well as fine quartz. Vermiculite structure is chloritized. The mineral composition of the clay fraction undergoes transformation within the upper 40 cm of the profile, which is maximally pronounced in the upper 20 cm. The content of smectite is lower there; and that of fine quartz is higher, fine fractions additionally contain rectorite. This mineral is identified on the base of the integer (00h) reflection series 24.54 and 12.27 Å for air-dry samples. After saturation with ethylene glycol, the (001) peak shifts to 26.77 Å. Calcination during 2 h at 550°C results in shifting of this peak to 10 Å. Rectorite is believed to be a syngenetic component of this soils and is formed at the early stage of smectite transformation into illite, being a transitional product of this transformation.




锂蒙脱石(钠长石)是一种规则的层状云母-蒙脱石,其中每个云母(A)层都“夹在”蒙脱石(B)层之间,形成了ABABAB…。顺序,每一层贡献50%。与其他有序矿物相似,累托石在自然界中很少见。本文提供了对俄罗斯联邦科米共和国的泥泞弱豆状土壤(Umbric Albeluvisol)的性质和矿物组成进行研究的结果。在该土壤的A1和A2层的细小部分中发现了锂蒙脱石。所研究的土壤已在浅色母体材料上形成。土壤剖面根据坡度类型在质地上有所区别。在矿物视界中,\({\ text {p}} {{{\ text {H}}} _ {{{{{\ text {H}}} _ {2}} {\ text {O}}} }} \)在5.1–5.3之间变化。通过X射线衍射法(XRD)研究了组分<2、2.0-0.5和<0.5μm的矿物成分。在母材中,蒙脱石占主导地位,并以高电荷的贝得石为代表。此外,其粘土成分还包括云母,ver石,高岭石和绿泥石,以及细石英。structure石结构被氯化。粘土级分的矿物成分在剖面的上部40 cm内发生转变,在上部20 cm处最大程度地表现出来。蒙皂石含量较低。而细石英的含量更高,细颗粒还含有累托石。对于风干样品,以整数(00h)反射序列24.54和12.27Å为基础识别该矿物。用乙二醇饱和后,(001)峰移至26.77Å。在550°C下2小时的煅烧导致该峰移至10Å。据认为,锂蒙脱石是这种土壤的同质成分,是在蒙脱石转变成伊利石的早期形成的,是该转变的过渡产物。
