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Ethnicity Differences in Uses and Management Practices of Bitter Kola Trees ( Garcinia kola ) in Cameroon
Economic Botany ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s12231-020-09508-x
Boniface Tientcheu Yogom , Marie-Louise Avana-Tientcheu , Marcelle Franca Meguem Mboujda , Stephane Takoudjou Momo , Théophile Fonkou , Alain Tsobeng , Adeline Barnaud , Jérôme Duminil

Ethnicity Differences in Use Values and Management Practices of Bitter Kola (Garcinia kola) in Cameroon. Bitter kola (Garcinia kola) is an indigenous multipurpose tree species in West and Central Africa, threatened by overexploitation and classified by the IUCN as vulnerable. Understanding local knowledge and management patterns in different socioecological contexts could contribute to designing strategies for conservation and long-term use of the species. In order to characterize the parts of the plant and the harvesting techniques that are used by different ethnic groups in Cameroon, we conducted surveys through the use of semi-structured questionnaires (N = 182) in six different sites covering different agro-ecological zones where the species is present (forest and savanna). Ethnic groups from the savanna agro-ecological zone shared similar patterns in G. kola organs/parts used and harvesting techniques, but these patterns differed among ethnic groups from the savanna and forest zones and within the forest zone. Ethnic groups from the savanna zone mainly harvest the species for its seeds that are used as stimulants. Conversely ethnic groups from the forest zone mainly collect bark and roots, and uses differ between agriculturalists (Fang and Bassa) and hunter-gatherers (Baka). These patterns have direct consequences on species management practices. Savanna farmers applied sustainable harvesting as they extract fruits and seeds and planting more trees in order to increase the species’ contribution to their livelihood. People in the forest zone destructively felled standing trees, threatening the species in its natural environment. The influence of these results on the conservation status of the species in the region are discussed.


喀麦隆苦涩可乐树(Gurcinia kola)的使用和管理实践中的种族差异

喀麦隆苦味可乐Garcinia kola使用价值和管理实践的种族差异苦苦可乐(Garcinia kola)是西非和中非的一种土著多用途树种,受到过度开发的威胁,并被自然保护联盟(IUCN)列为脆弱树种。了解不同社会生态环境下的当地知识和管理模式可能有助于设计保护和长期使用该物种的策略。为了表征喀麦隆不同种族所使用的植物的部位和收获技术,我们使用半结构化问卷进行了调查(N = 182)分布在六个不同的地点,覆盖了该物种所在的不同农业生态区(森林和热带稀树草原)。稀树草原农业生态区的民族在古拉可乐中有着相似的模式使用的器官/部位和采伐技术,但这些模式在稀树草原和森林地区以及森林地区内的族裔之间有所不同。来自热带稀树草原地区的种族主要采摘该物种的种子作为兴奋剂。相反,来自森林地带的种族群体主要收集树皮和根,在农​​业工作者(方和巴萨)和狩猎采集者(巴卡)之间的用途也有所不同。这些模式直接影响物种管理实践。稀树草原的农民在采摘水果和种子并种植更多树木的过程中采用了可持续采伐,以增加该物种对生计的贡献。森林地区的人们破坏性地砍伐了站立的树木,威胁着其自然环境中的物种。
