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International Journal of Intelligent Systems ( IF 7 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-22 , DOI: 10.1002/int.22321

Erratum to: An evidential axiomatic design approach for decision making using the evaluation of belief structure satisfaction to uncertain target values (International Journal of Intelligent Systems, vol. 33, pp. 15‐32, 2018, doi. org/10.1002/int.21929).

This erratum is to provide a correction to the corresponding author information of the article “An evidential axiomatic design approach for decision making using the evaluation of belief structure satisfaction to uncertain target values” by Xinyang Deng and Wen Jiang (International Journal of Intelligent Systems, vol. 33, pp. 15‐32, 2018, doi. org/10.1002/int.21929). This second author, Wen Jiang, should also be the corresponding author to the article.



勘误至:一种采用证据公理设计方法进行决策的方法,该方法使用对不确定目标值的信念结构满意度进行评估(国际智能系统杂志,第33卷,第15-32页,2018年,doi.org / 10.1002 / int.21929) )。

此勘误旨在纠正邓信阳和文江(《国际智能系统杂志》第一卷,“使用信念结构满意度评估不确定的目标值进行决策的循证公理设计方法”)的相应作者信息。(第33页,2018年第15-32页,doi.org / 10.1002 / int.21929)。第二作者文江也应该是本文的通讯作者。
