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Assisting Maritime Search and Rescue (SAR) Personnel with AI-Based Speech Recognition and Smart Direction Finding
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-20 , DOI: 10.3390/jmse8100818
Aylin Gözalan , Ole John , Thomas Lübcke , Andreas Maier , Maximilian Reimann , Jan-Gerrit Richter , Ivan Zverev

Communication for processing relevant information plays a paramount role in developing a comprehensive understanding of Search and Rescue (SAR) situations and conducting operations in a successful and reliable manner. Nevertheless, communication systems have not changed 20considerably in the context of simplifying very high frequency (VHF) maritime communication and enhancing the value of SAR practices. The Automated Transcription of Maritime VHF Radio Communication for SAR Mission Coordination (ARTUS) project approaches this problem with the development of an assistance system which employs AI-based speech recognition and smart direction finding. First, ideas and specified needs of end users for designing the user interface are presented in this paper. Further, preliminary accomplishments of domain specific language training for maritime speech recognition, and the direction-finding algorithms for localizing senders are sketched out. While the preliminary results build a solid ground, additional field experiments will be conducted in order to enhance the accuracy and reliability of speech recognition and direction finding. The identified end user requirements across different personnel groups show commonalities, but call for a differentiated approach in order to meet the challenges and peculiar needs of the various working contexts.


