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Effectiveness of Different Training and Testing Parameters on the Formation and Maintenance of Equivalence Classes: Investigating Prejudiced Racial Attitudes
The Psychological Record ( IF 1.279 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s40732-020-00435-w
Táhcita M. Mizael , João H. de Almeida , Bryan Roche , Julio C. de Rose

This study aimed to verify the role of three parameters on the formation of equivalence classes between Black faces and a positive symbol, in children who demonstrated negative bias toward Black faces in a pretest. Maintenance was also verified 6 weeks after equivalence tests. Forty-six children (11 Black; 27 girls) who demonstrated racial bias in a pretest were divided into four groups. All groups first learned AB relations (A1 and A2 were, respectively, a positive and a negative symbol, and B were abstract stimuli) and then BC relations (C1 was a Black face and C2 was an abstract stimulus). The Control Group then advanced immediately to equivalence tests (AC, and CA, without differential consequences). For the Mixed Training Group, a block of trials mixing AB and BC relations, with differential consequences, preceded equivalence tests. For the Feedback Reduction Group, equivalence tests were preceded by a trial block mixing AB and BC relations, but with feedback in 50% of trials. The Symmetry Group received symmetry tests after training of each baseline relation. Thirty-three children showed class formation relating Black faces and the positive symbol, and 27 maintained at least one of the equivalence relations after 6 weeks. Average biases toward Black faces were positive in a posttest, for participants who formed equivalence classes, and remained negative for those that did not form classes. The Control Group showed less pronounced bias reduction and maintenance of relations after 6 weeks, suggesting that these outcomes may be affected by training parameters.



这项研究旨在验证在预测试中对黑人面孔表现出负面偏见的儿童中,三个参数在黑人面孔与正符号之间形成等价类中的作用。在等效测试后的6周,还对维护进行了验证。在预测试中表现出种族偏见的46名儿童(11名黑人; 27名女孩)被分为四组。所有组首先学习AB关系(A1和A2分别是正号和负号,B是抽象刺激),然后学习BC关系(C1是黑脸,C2是抽象刺激)。然后,对照组立即进行等效测试(AC和CA,没有造成不同的后果)。对于混合训练小组,在等效性测试之前先进行一系列将AB和BC关系混合在一起并产生不同后果的试验。对于减少反馈小组,在进行等效性测试之前先进行混合了AB和BC关系的试验块,但在50%的试验中都有反馈。训练每个基线关系后,对称组接受对称测试。33名儿童表现出与黑人面孔和正号相关的班级构成,其中27名在6周后保持至少一种同等关系。在后期测试中,对形成了同等水平班级的参与者,他们对黑人面孔的平均偏见是积极的,而对未形成水平班级的参与者则保持负面。对照组在6周后显示偏倚减少和关系维持不明显,表明这些结果可能受到训练参数的影响。但有50%的试验提供了反馈。训练每个基线关系后,对称组接受对称测试。33名儿童表现出与黑人面孔和正号相关的班级构成,其中27名在6周后保持至少一种同等关系。在后期测试中,对形成了同等水平班级的参与者,他们对黑人面孔的平均偏见是积极的,而对未形成水平班级的参与者则保持负面。对照组在6周后显示偏倚减少和维持关系的效果不明显,表明这些结果可能受训练参数的影响。但有50%的试验提供了反馈。训练每个基线关系后,对称组接受对称测试。33名儿童表现出与黑人面孔和正号相关的班级构成,其中27名在6周后保持至少一种同等关系。在黑人测验中,对形成同等水平班级的参与者的平均偏见是积极的,而对未参加水平班级的参与者则保持消极。对照组在6周后显示偏倚减少和维持关系的效果不明显,表明这些结果可能受训练参数的影响。6周后,有27个维持至少一种等价关系。在黑人测验中,对形成同等水平班级的参与者的平均偏见是积极的,而对未参加水平班级的参与者则保持消极。对照组在6周后显示偏倚减少和关系维持不明显,表明这些结果可能受到训练参数的影响。6周后,有27个维持至少一种等价关系。在后期测试中,对于形成同等等级的参与者,他们对黑人面孔的平均偏见是积极的,而对于没有形成等级的参与者,其平均偏见则为负面。对照组在6周后显示偏倚减少和维持关系的效果不明显,表明这些结果可能受训练参数的影响。
