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The historical relationship between agrarian reforms and internal armed conflicts: Relevant factors for the Colombian post-conflict scenario
Land Use Policy ( IF 6.189 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.105138
Jose Michael Villarreal Escallón

Abstract With the purpose of identifying relevant factors potentially affecting the implementation of Colombian agrarian reform in its post-conflict phase, this article explores the links between agrarian reform and internal armed conflict in four countries that underwent a similar process. Namely, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and South Africa. Looking for similarities and differences in the implementation of agrarian reforms in the four countries, the methodology included various parts. First, existing agrarian reforms and armed conflicts were identified, based on which, the selection of countries has been carried out. Second, once the countries were selected, the different stages of the corresponding conflict were analyzed (Pre-, In- and Post-conflict). Finally, the stages were compared with the Colombian case and insights have been drawn. Results from the comparative analysis reveal that the typology of the agrarian reform, the power relationship between elites, and the socioeconomic inequality are the most influential factors in the Colombian post-conflict stage. Based on these, I suggest that the new agrarian reform in Colombia does not fulfill the conditions for peace construction based on fair access to and distribution of the land.



摘要 为了确定冲突后阶段可能影响哥伦比亚土地改革实施的相关因素,本文探讨了四个经历类似过程的国家的土地改革与内部武装冲突之间的联系。即萨尔瓦多、危地马拉、尼加拉瓜和南非。寻找四个国家在实施土地改革方面的异同,该方法包括各个部分。首先,确定了现有的土地改革和武装冲突,并在此基础上进行了国家选择。其次,一旦选定了国家,就会分析相应冲突的不同阶段(冲突前、冲突中和冲突后)。最后,将阶段与哥伦比亚案例进行了比较,并得出了见解。比较分析结果表明,土地改革的类型、精英之间的权力关系以及社会经济不平等是哥伦比亚冲突后阶段最有影响的因素。基于这些,我认为哥伦比亚新​​的土地改革不符合以土地公平获取和分配为基础的和平建设条件。