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Review of solid oxide fuel cell materials: cathode, anode, and electrolyte
Energy Transitions Pub Date : 2020-10-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s41825-020-00029-8
Saddam Hussain 1 , Li Yangping 1

There is a growing interest in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) technology among the researchers a promising power generation with high energy efficiency, inflated fuel flexibility, and low environmental impact compared to conventional power generation systems. SOFCs are devices in which the chemical energy is directly converted into electrical energy with negligible emission. SOFCs have low pollution characteristics, high efficiency (~ 60%), and possess expanded fuel selection with little environmental effects. A single cell component of SOFCs is consisting an anode, cathode and an electrolyte which are stacked layer by layer to produce higher amount of power. The dense ceramic electrolyte transporting O2− ions and fills the space between the electrodes material. Redox reaction occurred at the electrodes side in the presence of fuels. The operating temperatures of SOFCs of 600–1200 °C which produced heat as a byproduct and fast electro-catalytic activity while using nonprecious metals. Many ceramic materials have been investigated for SOFCs electrolyte. Yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) material was extensively used as dense electrolyte in SOFCs technology. In this review, the article presents; overview of the SOFCs devices and their related materials and mostly reviewed newly available reported.



与传统发电系统相比,研究人员对固体氧化物燃料电池 (SOFC) 技术的兴趣与日俱增,这是一种具有高能效、高燃料灵活性和低环境影响的有前途的发电技术。SOFC 是一种将化学能直接转化为电能且排放量可忽略不计的装置。SOFCs 具有低污染、高效率(~60%)的特点,并且具有扩展的燃料选择,对环境影响很小。SOFC 的单个电池组件由阳极、阴极和电解质组成,它们逐层堆叠以产生更高的功率。传输 O 2-的致密陶瓷电解质离子并填充电极材料之间的空间。在燃料存在的情况下,氧化还原反应发生在电极侧。SOFC 的工作温度为 600–1200 °C,在使用非贵金属时会产生热量作为副产品和快速的电催化活性。已经研究了许多用于 SOFC 电解质的陶瓷材料。氧化钇稳定氧化锆 (YSZ) 材料广泛用作 SOFC 技术中的致密电解质。在这篇评论中,文章介绍了;SOFC 设备及其相关材料的概述,并主要审查了新的可用报告。
