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Marginal value of sub-watershed treatment on profit in Darjeeling district, India
Land Use Policy ( IF 6.189 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.105089
Chandan Singha

Abstract Continuous soil erosion if unchecked would have adverse consequences on agricultural productivity. Of the many soil conservation measures in place to address this issue, those that are large-scale can not only limit soil erosion but also restore soil cover. In the Teesta River Watershed in Darjeeling district in the Eastern Himalayas, the government has undertaken soil conservation interventions at the sub-watershed level. This study assesses whether farm profits are significantly different between treated and untreated sub-watersheds, using data from a primary survey conducted in Darjeeling in the year 2013. The major problem in estimating the impact was identification and hence we used instrument variable. We estimated a farm profit function using the two-stage least square method and found that overall profits were higher in treated sub-watersheds than in untreated sub-watersheds.



摘要 如果不加以控制,持续的土壤侵蚀将对农业生产力产生不利影响。在为解决这个问题而采取的许多土壤保持措施中,那些大规模的措施不仅可以限制水土流失,还可以恢复土壤覆盖。在东喜马拉雅山大吉岭地区的提斯塔河流域,政府在子流域层面进行了土壤保持干预。本研究使用 2013 年在大吉岭进行的初步调查的数据评估了处理和未处理子流域之间的农场利润是否存在显着差异。估计影响的主要问题是识别,因此我们使用了工具变量。