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Socio-cultural valuation of whale ecosystem services in Skjálfandi Bay, Iceland
Ecological Economics ( IF 7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2020.106867
Laura Malinauskaite , David Cook , Brynhildur Davíðsdóttir , Helga Ögmundardóttir

Abstract The study examines the socio-cultural values of multiple ecosystem services (ES) sourced from whales in Skjalfandi Bay, North Iceland, with many beneficiaries living in and visiting the town of Husavik. The study begins to address the research gap in non-monetary valuation of marine ecosystem services. Based on a multi-method approach, it elicits stakeholders' perceptions of the contribution of whale ES to human wellbeing using stakeholder mapping, semi-structured interviews, observations, and socio-cultural preference surveys. The key whale ES identified by the local stakeholders were cultural, most frequently mentioned being recreation and education. The most commonly mentioned ES values were related to economic benefits from the whale watching industry. The preference survey reveals that regulating and maintenance ES were valued most highly with a mean score of 4.0 out of 5.0, cultural ES were second with a mean score of 3.5, and provisioning ES in the form of food and raw materials were valued the least with a mean of 0.75. Interview data also reveals some marine ES management challenges originating from intensified tourism, industrial development, and climate change. The results of the study have the potential to inform marine resource management in Iceland by including socio-cultural values associated with whale resources.


冰岛 Skjálfandi 湾鲸鱼生态系统服务的社会文化评估

摘要 本研究考察了来自冰岛北部 Skjalfandi 湾的鲸鱼的多种生态系统服务 (ES) 的社会文化价值,其中许多受益人居住并参观了胡萨维克镇。该研究开始解决海洋生态系统服务非货币估值方面的研究差距。基于多方法方法,它使用利益相关者制图、半结构化访谈、观察和社会文化偏好调查,引发利益相关者对鲸鱼 ES 对人类福祉的贡献的看法。当地利益相关者确定的关键鲸鱼 ES 是文化,最常提到的是娱乐和教育。最常提到的 ES 值与观鲸业的经济效益有关。偏好调查显示,调节和维护 ES 的价值最高,平均得分为 4.0(总分 5.0),文化 ES 其次,平均得分为 3.5,而以食品和原材料形式提供的 ES 价值最低,均值为 0.75。采访数据还揭示了一些源于旅游集约化、工业发展和气候变化的海洋 ES 管理挑战。通过纳入与鲸鱼资源相关的社会文化价值观,该研究的结果有可能为冰岛的海洋资源管理提供信息。采访数据还揭示了一些源于旅游集约化、工业发展和气候变化的海洋 ES 管理挑战。通过纳入与鲸鱼资源相关的社会文化价值观,该研究的结果有可能为冰岛的海洋资源管理提供信息。采访数据还揭示了一些源于旅游集约化、工业发展和气候变化的海洋 ES 管理挑战。通过纳入与鲸鱼资源相关的社会文化价值观,该研究的结果有可能为冰岛的海洋资源管理提供信息。