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MTHAEL: Cross-Architecture IoT Malware Detection Based on Neural Network Advanced Ensemble Learning
IEEE Transactions on Computers ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1109/tc.2020.3015584
Danish Vasan , Mamoun Alazab , Sitalakshmi Venkatraman , Junaid Akram , Zheng Qin

The complexity, sophistication, and impact of malware evolve with industrial revolution and technology advancements. This article discusses and proposes a robust cross-architecture IoT malware threat hunting model based on advanced ensemble learning (MTHAEL). Our unique MTHAEL model using stacked ensemble of heterogeneous feature selection algorithms and state-of-the-art neural networks to learn different levels of semantic features demonstrates enhanced IoT malware detection than existing approaches. MTHAEL is the first of its kind that effectively optimizes recurrent neural network (RNN) and convolutional neural network (CNN) with high classification accuracy and consistently low computational overheads on different IoT architectures. Cross-architecture benchmarking is performed during the training with different architectures such as ARM, Intel80386, MIPS, and MIPS+Intel80386 individually. Two different hardware architectures were employed to analyze the architecture overhead, namely Raspberry Pi 4 (ARM-based architecture) and Core-i5 (Intel-based architecture). Our proposed MTHAEL is evaluated comprehensively with a large IoT cross-architecture dataset of 21,137 samples and has achieved 99.98 percent classification accuracy for ARM architecture samples, surpassing prior related works. Overall, MTHAEL has demonstrated practical suitability for cross-architecture IoT malware detection with low computational overheads requiring only 0.32 seconds to detect Any IoT malware.



恶意软件的复杂性、复杂性和影响随着工业革命和技术进步而发展。本文讨论并提出了一种基于高级集成学习(MTHAEL)的强大的跨架构物联网恶意软件威胁狩猎模型。我们独特的 MTHAEL 模型使用异构特征选择算法和最先进的神经网络的堆叠集成来学习不同级别的语义特征,展示了比现有方法增强的物联网恶意软件检测。MTHAEL 是同类中第一个有效优化循环神经网络 (RNN) 和卷积神经网络 (CNN) 的方法,在不同的物联网架构上具有高分类精度和始终如一的低计算开销。在训练过程中使用不同的架构(例如 ARM、Intel80386、MIPS 和 MIPS+Intel80386 分别。使用两种不同的硬件架构来分析架构开销,即 Raspberry Pi 4(基于 ARM 的架构)和 Core-i5(基于 Intel 的架构)。我们提出的 MTHAEL 使用包含 21,137 个样本的大型物联网跨架构数据集进行了全面评估,并且对 ARM 架构样本实现了 99.98% 的分类准确率,超过了之前的相关工作。总体而言,MTHAEL 已经证明了跨架构物联网恶意软件检测的实际适用性,其计算开销低,只需 0.32 秒即可检测任何物联网恶意软件。即Raspberry Pi 4(基于ARM的架构)和Core-i5(基于Intel的架构)。我们提出的 MTHAEL 使用包含 21,137 个样本的大型物联网跨架构数据集进行了全面评估,并且对 ARM 架构样本的分类准确率达到了 99.98%,超过了之前的相关工作。总体而言,MTHAEL 已经证明了跨架构物联网恶意软件检测的实际适用性,其计算开销低,只需 0.32 秒即可检测任何物联网恶意软件。即Raspberry Pi 4(基于ARM的架构)和Core-i5(基于Intel的架构)。我们提出的 MTHAEL 使用包含 21,137 个样本的大型物联网跨架构数据集进行了全面评估,并且对 ARM 架构样本的分类准确率达到了 99.98%,超过了之前的相关工作。总体而言,MTHAEL 已经证明了跨架构物联网恶意软件检测的实际适用性,其计算开销低,只需 0.32 秒即可检测任何物联网恶意软件。