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Meta-Analysis of White Matter Diffusion Tensor Imaging Alterations in Borderline Personality Disorder
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2020.111205
Isaac Kelleher-Unger , Zuzanna Tajchman , Gabriella Chittano , Iris Vilares

Borderline personality disorder (BorPD) is characterized by instability and mood dysregulation, unstable relationships and distorted self-image. Identification of underlying anatomical and physiological changes is crucial to refine current treatments and develop new ones. In this perspective, previous magnetic resonance imaging studies have highlighted alterations associated with BorPD phenotype. In particular, diffusion-weighted imaging/Diffusion tensor imaging (DWI/DTI) has identified many white matter structural alterations in individuals with this diagnosis. Although in its infancy, limiting this line of investigation is a lack of direction at the field level. Hence, the present paper aims to conduct a meta-analysis of DWI/DTI findings in individuals with a diagnosis of BorPD, testing the hypothesis that there are specific white matter alterations associated with BorPD. To this end, we performed a meta-analysis of the existing literature of DWI/DTI in BorPD representing a total of 123 individuals with BorPD and 117 Controls. Our results indicated that individuals with BorPD show regions of reduced fractional anisotropy in the corpus callosum and fornix. These results survived all jack-knife reshuffles and showed no publication bias. This suggests that alterations in these structures may contribute to psychopathology. Further, the present results lend support to extant psychological and biological models of BorPD.



边缘型人格障碍 (BorPD) 的特点是不稳定和情绪失调、人际关系不稳定和自我形象扭曲。识别潜在的解剖学和生理学变化对于改进当前的治疗方法和开发新的治疗方法至关重要。从这个角度来看,以前的磁共振成像研究强调了与 BorPD 表型相关的改变。特别是,弥散加权成像/弥散张量成像 (DWI/DTI) 已经在具有这种诊断的个体中发现了许多白质结构改变。尽管处于起步阶段,但限制这一调查线是缺乏现场水平的方向。因此,本文旨在对诊断为 BorPD 的个体的 DWI/DTI 结果进行荟萃分析,测试存在与 BorPD 相关的特定白质改变的假设。为此,我们对 BorPD 中 DWI/DTI 的现有文献进行了荟萃分析,共代表 123 名 BorPD 患者和 117 名对照组。我们的结果表明,患有 BorPD 的个体在胼胝体和穹窿中表现出各向异性分数降低的区域。这些结果在所有千斤顶重新洗牌后都幸存下来,并且没有显示出发表偏倚。这表明这些结构的改变可能会导致精神病理学。此外,目前的结果支持现有的 BorPD 心理和生物学模型。我们的结果表明,患有 BorPD 的个体在胼胝体和穹窿中表现出各向异性分数降低的区域。这些结果在所有千斤顶重新洗牌后都幸免于难,并且没有显示出发表偏倚。这表明这些结构的改变可能会导致精神病理学。此外,目前的结果支持现有的 BorPD 心理和生物学模型。我们的结果表明,患有 BorPD 的个体在胼胝体和穹窿中表现出各向异性分数降低的区域。这些结果在所有千斤顶重新洗牌后都幸存下来,并且没有显示出发表偏倚。这表明这些结构的改变可能会导致精神病理学。此外,目前的结果支持现有的 BorPD 心理和生物学模型。