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Trend in data errors after the implementation of an electronic medical record system: A longitudinal study in an Australian regional Drug and Alcohol Service
International Journal of Medical Informatics ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2020.104292
Siyu Qian , Esther Munyisia , David Reid , David Hailey , Jade Pados , Ping Yu


To investigate trends in data errors over the 40 months after the implementation of an electronic medical record (eMR) system in an Australian regional Drug and Alcohol (D&A) Service.


One hundred and twenty three error reports and data on occasions of service were obtained from the D&A Service. Statistical analysis was conducted to describe types of errors, to compare distribution of error types among different documentation forms, D&A Service sites and job roles. Error rates were also analysed.


In the 40 months after the implementation, a total of 18,549 errors occurred. These errors were grouped into four types: mismatched data fields (54.5 %), duplicate medical record (1.8 %), date/time error (8.2 %) and blank field (35.4 %). The distribution of error types differed in the forms being completed, the sites and the job roles. Quarterly error rate increased from 28.8 errors per 100 occasions of service in Year 1 Quarter 1–40.6 in Quarter 3, then decreased to 18.1 in Quarter 4. It dropped to 6.6 in Year 2 Quarter 2 and continued to decrease to 2.5 in Year 4 Quarter 1. Monthly error rate was the highest at 44.6 in Month 8, fell to the lowest at 1.0 in Month 18 and remained at under 7.3 from Month 19 to Month 40.


After the implementation of the eMR system, the error rate increased in the first three quarters before decreasing. It reached stability about one and a half years after implementation. There were significant differences in the error distribution among the documentation forms, sites and job roles. The findings of this study could be used by eMR trainers to tailor training sessions for specific sites and job roles. These findings might also be useful for managers of other D&A Services to plan for the implementation of new electronic documentation systems.








实施后的40个月中,总共发生了18549次错误。这些错误分为四种类型:不匹配的数据字段(54.5%),重复的病历(1.8%),日期/时间错误(8.2%)和空白字段(35.4%)。错误类型的分布在完成的表单,站点和工作角色方面有所不同。季度错误率从第1年第1季度每100个服务机会28.8个错误增加到第3季度,然后降至第4季度的18.1。第二季度第2季度下降到6.6,并在第4季度继续下降到2.5 1.月错误率在第8个月中最高,为44.6,在第18个月中最低,为1.0,从第19个月到第40个月,保持在7.3以下。


