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Linking large-scale circulation patterns to the distribution of cold water corals along the eastern Rockall Bank (northeast Atlantic)
Journal of Marine Systems ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2020.103456
Kirstin Schulz , Karline Soetaert , Christian Mohn , Laura Korte , Furu Mienis , Gerard Duineveld , Dick van Oevelen

Abstract Cold-water corals (CWC) are known to tolerate a relatively wide range of environmental conditions. However, along the basin margins of the Rockall Trough (NE Atlantic), the habitat of CWC is confined to a narrow range of 525–1200 m water depth, and the reason for that is not fully understood. To investigate the distribution of CWCs in this area, current velocities and water mass distribution in the Logachev Mound Province were measured with two long-term (1 year) moorings equipped with an acoustic doppler current profiler and fluorescence+turbidity sensors. Additional ship-based water column profiles and discrete water samples, covering a full diurnal tidal cycle, were taken for chemical parameters. The results indicate the presence of a boundary current along the eastern flank of the Rockall Bank, that transports a nutrient-rich water mass southwards and governs the direction of particle transport at the depth band of the CWC mounds. Based on literature results, this northern water mass is identified as Wyville Thomson Ridge Overflow Water (WTOW). The density envelope and depth distribution of WTOW match the reported occurrence of CWC mounds in the Rockall Trough. Hence, the presence of WTOW may be a necessary condition for coral growth and therefore mound formation in the Rockall Trough, e.g. by forming a conduit for particles and coral larvae.



摘要 众所周知,冷水珊瑚 (CWC) 能够耐受相对广泛的环境条件。然而,在 Rockall 海槽(大西洋东北部)盆地边缘,CWC 的栖息地被限制在 525-1200 m 水深的狭窄范围内,其原因尚不完全清楚。为了调查该地区 CWC 的分布,Logachev Mound 省的水流速度和水团分布通过配备声学多普勒电流剖面仪和荧光 + 浊度传感器的两个长期(1 年)系泊设备进行测量。额外的船基水柱剖面和离散水样,涵盖了一个完整的昼夜潮汐循环,用于化学参数。结果表明沿罗考尔河岸东侧存在边界流,将富含营养的水团向南输送并控制 CWC 土墩深度带的颗粒输送方向。根据文献结果,该北部水团被确定为 Wyville Thomson Ridge 溢流水 (WTOW)。WTOW 的密度包络和深度分布与所报告的 Rockall 海槽中 CWC 丘的发生相匹配。因此,WTOW 的存在可能是珊瑚生长的必要条件,因此在 Rockall 海槽中形成土墩,例如通过形成颗粒和珊瑚幼虫的管道。WTOW 的密度包络和深度分布与所报告的 Rockall 海槽中 CWC 丘的发生相匹配。因此,WTOW 的存在可能是珊瑚生长的必要条件,因此在 Rockall 海槽中形成土墩,例如通过形成颗粒和珊瑚幼虫的管道。WTOW 的密度包络和深度分布与所报告的 Rockall 海槽中 CWC 丘的发生相匹配。因此,WTOW 的存在可能是珊瑚生长的必要条件,因此在 Rockall 海槽中形成土墩,例如通过形成颗粒和珊瑚幼虫的管道。