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The Complexity of Boolean State Separation (Technical Report)
arXiv - CS - Computational Complexity Pub Date : 2020-10-02 , DOI: arxiv-2010.00825
Ronny Tredup, Evgeny Erofeev

For a Boolean type of nets $\tau$, a transition system $A$ is synthesizeable into a $\tau$-net $N$ if and only if distinct states of $A$ correspond to distinct markings of $N$, and $N$ prevents a transition firing if there is no related transition in $A$. The former property is called $\tau$-state separation property ($\tau$-SSP) while the latter -- $\tau$-event/state separation property ($\tau$-ESSP). $A$ is embeddable into the reachability graph of a $\tau$-net $N$ if and only if $A$ has the $\tau$-SSP. This paper presents a complete characterization of the computational complexity of \textsc{$\tau$-SSP} for all Boolean Petri net types.



对于布尔类型的网络 $\tau$,当且仅当 $A$ 的不同状态对应于 $N$ 的不同标记时,转换系统 $A$ 可以合成为 $\tau$-net $N$,并且如果 $A$ 中没有相关转换,则 $N$ 会阻止转换触发。前者的性质称为$\tau$-状态分离性质($\tau$-SSP),后者称为$\tau$-事件/状态分离性质($\tau$-ESSP)。当且仅当 $A$ 具有 $\tau$-SSP 时,$A$ 可嵌入到 $\tau$-net $N$ 的可达性图中。本文对所有布尔 Petri 网类型的 \textsc{$\tau$-SSP} 的计算复杂性进行了完整的表征。