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Promoting an environmental education project: the eco-picture diary in Yokohama City, Japan
Environmental Education Research ( IF 3.725 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-04 , DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2020.1828289
Hiroshi Ito 1 , Alan Reid 2

Abstract In recent years, Yokohama City, Japan, has seen substantial efforts to address socio-environmental issues. One such effort is the G-30 program, which has helped reduce garbage waste production by 43 percent in 2010, since 2001. The eco-picture diary, an environmental education project, has been identified as contributing to the success of G-30. However, no research to date has examined the diary’s effect on garbage reduction, nor accounted for what the project is and how it became prevalent. Using questionnaires with citizens and interviews with other stakeholders, this case study addresses these gaps. Key findings concern how people perceived the diary to have been central to garbage reduction by citizens. The study also shows how the diary illustrates an example of backcasting, ecopedagogy, reflective learning, and place-based approaches to environmental education, as well as how uptake of the project can be explained via diffusion of innovation theory and the theory of planned behavior.



摘要 近年来,日本横滨市为解决社会环境问题做出了大量努力。其中一项努力是 G-30 计划,自 2001 年以来,该计划已帮助将 2010 年的垃圾废物产量减少了 43%。生态图片日记,一个环境教育项目,已被确定为 G-30 的成功做出贡献。然而,迄今为止,还没有研究检查日记对减少垃圾的影响,也没有说明该项目是什么以及它是如何流行的。本案例研究通过对公民的问卷调查和与其他利益相关者的访谈来解决这些差距。主要发现涉及人们如何认为日记是公民减少垃圾的核心。该研究还展示了日记如何说明倒叙、生态教育、反思学习、