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The First Rehoming of Laboratory Beagles in Finland: The Complete Process from Socialisation Training to Follow-up
Alternatives to Laboratory Animals ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0261192920942135
Laura Hänninen 1 , Marianna Norring 1

The fate of experimental animals represents an ethical dilemma and a public concern. In the EU, Directive 2010/63/EU allows the rehoming of former experimental animals instead of euthanasia. However, to our knowledge, there are no previous reports of rehoming Beagles in Finland. This study aimed to describe the process behind the first rehoming of laboratory Beagles at the University of Helsinki and evaluate its success. In total, 16 former laboratory Beagles were rehomed in collaboration with animal protection organisations and the University of Helsinki. The dogs had participated in animal cognition studies and had undergone minor procedures during the development of a veterinary drug. While the dogs were still in the laboratory, a socialisation training programme lasting several months was undertaken. Through surveying of the adoptive owners, and interviewing the various stakeholders involved (researchers, animal protection organisations and animal caretakers), the overall process was evaluated, including: the socialisation training programme; the comparative success of rehoming younger compared to older animals; the criteria that were used for the selection of the adoptive owners; and the eventual success of rehoming the dogs with the new owners. The majority of the dogs adjusted well to their new home environment. Euthanasia at the end of their experimental use would have been unnecessary and possibly against the objectives of European directives.



实验动物的命运代表了道德困境和公众关注。在欧盟,指令 2010/63/EU 允许重新安置以前的实验动物而不是安乐死。然而,据我们所知,之前没有关于在芬兰重新​​安置比格犬的报道。这项研究旨在描述赫尔辛基大学首次重新安置实验室比格犬背后的过程并评估其成功。与动物保护组织和赫尔辛基大学合作,总共重新安置了 16 只前实验室比格犬。这些狗参与了动物认知研究,并在开发兽药期间经历了一些小程序。当这些狗还在实验室时,就进行了一项持续数月的社会化训练计划。通过对收养人的调查,并采访了所涉及的各个利益相关者(研究人员、动物保护组织和动物管理员),对整个过程进行了评估,包括:社会化培训计划;与老年动物相比,重新安置年轻动物的相对成功;用于选择收养人的标准;以及与新主人重新安置狗的最终成功。大多数狗都很好地适应了新的家庭环境。实验使用结束时的安乐死是不必要的,并且可能违反欧洲指令的目标。与老年动物相比,重新安置年轻动物的相对成功;用于选择收养人的标准;以及与新主人重新安置狗的最终成功。大多数狗都很好地适应了新的家庭环境。实验使用结束时的安乐死是不必要的,并且可能违反欧洲指令的目标。与老年动物相比,重新安置年轻动物的相对成功;用于选择收养人的标准;以及与新主人重新安置狗的最终成功。大多数狗都很好地适应了新的家庭环境。实验使用结束时的安乐死是不必要的,并且可能违反欧洲指令的目标。