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Direction distribution for nodal components of random band-limited functions on surfaces
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-29 , DOI: 10.1090/tran/8153
Suresh Eswarathasan , Igor Wigman

Let $(M,g)$ be a smooth compact Riemannian surface with no boundary. Given a smooth vector field $V$ with finitely many zeroes on $M$, we study the distribution of the number of tangencies to $V$ of the nodal components of random band-limited functions. It is determined that in the high-energy limit, these obey a universal deterministic law, independent of the surface $M$ and the vector field $V$, that is supported precisely on the even integers $2 \mathbb{Z}_{> 0}$.



令 $(M,g)$ 是一个没有边界的光滑紧致黎曼曲面。给定一个平滑向量场 $V$,在 $M$ 上有有限多个零,我们研究了随机带限函数的节点分量与 $V$ 的切线数的分布。确定在高能量极限下,这些服从普遍确定性定律,独立于表面 $M$ 和向量场 $V$,在偶数 $2 \mathbb{Z}_{> 0}$。