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Design of a voting based smart energy management system of the renewable energy based hybrid energy system for a small community
Energy ( IF 9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2020.118977
Somudeep Bhattacharjee , Champa Nandi

ABSTRACT To reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the conventional power plant, the role of renewable energy-based hybrid systems is essential. These hybrid systems require a proficient energy management system for efficiently managing the energy from different energy sources to maintain the load-supply power balance. This is vital to save energy, diminish energy costs and attain global emission targets. This paper proposes the design of a voting based smart energy management system (VSEMS) of a grid-connected solar-wind-biomass based hybrid energy system. VSEMS utilizes a novel rule-based energy management algorithm (EMA) for taking its decisions. The proposed approach increases customer participation in the decision-making related to their energy supply and also control the intermittency of renewable energy sources efficiently. The efficacy of the proposed algorithm in the real-world environment is validated by doing a case study analysis using yearly usage profile. Results demonstrate the viability and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in energy management operation. Additionally, results show that the proposed system is economical and quite nature-friendly.



摘要 为了减少传统发电厂的温室气体排放,基于可再生能源的混合系统的作用至关重要。这些混合系统需要一个熟练的能源管理系统来有效地管理来自不同能源的能源,以保持负载-供应功率平衡。这对于节约能源、降低能源成本和实现全球排放目标至关重要。本文提出了一种基于并网的太阳能-风能-生物质混合能源系统的基于投票的智能能源管理系统 (VSEMS) 的设计。VSEMS 利用一种新颖的基于规则的能源管理算法 (EMA) 来做出决策。提议的方法增加了客户对其能源供应决策的参与,并有效地控制了可再生能源的间歇性。通过使用年度使用情况进行案例研究分析,验证了所提出算法在实际环境中的有效性。结果证明了所提出的算法在能源管理操作中的可行性和有效性。此外,结果表明,所提出的系统经济且非常自然友好。